People like us, and isnide of that, Vets like you and I were awakened to do exactly what we're doing now. God chose us because of what we've done. ALL of what we've done. ALL of what we've seen and experienced. I think it's because of this that puts us in the perfect position to help or fellow Man. Do we feel worthy? Hardly, but that doesn't mean we aren't worthy. EVERYONE is worthy of God's Love and Forgiveness, as long as they go to Him and ask for it. The fact that after all we've done He STILL continues to Love us and show us The Way is proof af that. Call it penance, if you want, for the bad we've done. Call it Forgiveness. Call it whatever you want. I don't think it really matters, as long as we continue to walk The Path He has set us on and continue to ask for his Guidance, Strength, Love, and Wisdom. Nor do I think a lot of these questions you have matter.
I had a lot of those same questions you have. I would continually ask Him, "Why?" Then one day, "out of the blue" about 2 mths ago, He spoke to me and said, "Why does it matter? Isnt It enough that I say, ' YOU matter? 'That I say, 'I Love YOU?' I chose YOU for this because 'I LOVE YOU!' Nothing else matters." It hit me like a ton of bricks. I was driving my daughter to school that morning. Had to pull over and sit as the tears streamed down my face. She asked if I was ok. I told her I didn't know. She then said, "I love you, daddy. It's ok. Everything is ok because we have each other and we have God." That's when it the tears stopped. He said, "She's right." And then a yuuuuuge weight was lifted off of me. Everything got a little brighter, like there was more light overcoming the dark shadows over this world.
So, it doesn't matter, "why" we were chosen. Each if us were chosen because God wills it. That's enough for me now, and it should be enough for everyone here.
People like us, and isnide of that, Vets like you and I were awakened to do exactly what we're doing now. God chose us because of what we've done. ALL of what we've done. ALL of what we've seen and experienced. I think it's because of this that puts us in the perfect position to help or fellow Man. Do we feel worthy? Hardly, but that doesn't mean we aren't worthy. EVERYONE is worthy of God's Love and Forgiveness, as long as they go to Him and ask for it. The fact that after all we've done He STILL continues to Love us and show us The Way is proof af that. Call it penance, if you want, for the bad we've done. Call it Forgiveness. Call it whatever you want. I don't think it really matters, as long as we continue to walk The Path He has set us on and continue to ask for his Guidance, Strength, Love, and Wisdom. Nor do I think a lot of these questions you have matter.
I had a lot of those same questions you have. I would continually ask Him, "Why?" Then one day, "out of the blue" about 2 mths ago, He spoke to me and said, "Why does it matter? Isnt It enough that I say, ' YOU matter? 'That I say, 'I Love YOU?' I chose YOU for this because 'I LOVE YOU!' Nothing else matters." It hit me like a ton of bricks. I was driving my daughter to school that morning. Had to pull over and sit as the tears streamed down my face. She asked if I was ok. I told her I didn't know. She then said, "I love you, daddy. It's ok. Everything is ok because we have each other and we have God." That's when it the tears stopped. He said, "She's right." And then a yuuuuuge weight was lifted off of me. Everything got a little brighter, like there was more light overcoming the dark shadows over this world.
So, it doesn't matter, "why" we were chosen. Each if us were chosen because God wills it. That's enough for me now, and it should be enough for everyone here.