posted ago by DiveAndBait ago by DiveAndBait +36 / -1

Sure, the ties to Hutchins are interesting, her dad was a naval commander, worked in Murmansk, she's married to a lawyer defending the Clintons, he starred in a movie, same naval base as where she grew up. And it's October. And certainly amazing research, can't fault it.

Yes, our Q Red October is just a speculation, but the coincidences of being a super hot October, derived from Q posts and Telegram posts and Twitter posts from the 'white hat' blue checkmarks, suggested highly so.

So is Baldwin or part of the red october event?

Do I really give a shit about this moron?

How does it fit into making America and the rest of the world whole again?

Am I missing something here? How does the Baldwin narrative take more power away from them?

Unless, this is cabal staged to threaten and misinform and intimidate?

If that's the case, it happened in the exact month?