What happened to Fauci when it was revealed he funded Gain of Function research in the Wuhan Lab and lied under oath on multiple occasions?
Puppy torture accusations a month earlier?
Guess what happens next...
Can they possibly diverge from the formula?
I predict that Fauci's out soon (less than a month, like Cuomo), but it won't be for Crimes Against Humanity...
The puppy torture stories are his way out; a slap on the wrist and he'll be replaced with more of the same.
This does seem very plausible.
Now here's another look at that - what if the 'public' crime is a cover story to explain the removal of that person from office. In other words, perhaps there actually is justice taking place behind the scenes, and these official stories allow the process to happen in a discrete way - that's kind of what Q suggests isn't it?
I could be wrong though. I suppose part of being an Anon is holding on to the belief that not only will justice be served in the end, but that it is part of Gods plan for restoring peace and prosperity to our land, and the world.