...using materials found here on GAW. I now wear the badge of a conspiracy theorist from their mods. They only allow CDC & WHO links in any discussion on these topics.
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I got banned from 110 counties
If you had a friend who was banned from 110 bars, how could you draw any conclusions other than your friend is a piece of shit?
These people are insufferable
So you're that deviant guy?
Dababy 👉🥶👈 dababy 👉🥶👈 dababy 👉🥶👈 dababy 👉🥶👈 dababy 👉🥶👈Dababy 👉🥶👈 dababy 👉🥶👈 dababy 👉🥶👈 dababy 👉🥶👈 dababy 👉🥶👈Dababy 👉🥶👈 dababy 👉🥶👈 dababy 👉🥶👈 dababy 👉🥶👈 dababy 👉🥶👈