Preying on the mottos, "God, Country, Corps" and "Esprit De Corps."
Most Marines have been coof vaxxed. The ones that will leave are the ones that will "show" the "leadership" they didn't "have what it takes" to serve in "this man's Corps." They're being denigrated by their own leadership already. Badgered and bullied into making a decision about the rest of their lives. But it surely isn't because those leaders have the Marine's best interest in mind. No, it's because the "leadership" is expecting those Marines to do what Marines do best: follow the orders of their superiors, "no matter what."
If y'all don't believe me, ask any former Marine about what I just said. Ask them how many orders they carried out, even though they were stupid or dangerous orders, just because their C.O. or higher ranking enlisted told them to.
And before any of you Marines attempt to call me out based on some warped sense of "Esprit De Corps," I have one thing to say. I served as a Sailor with Marines, UNDER the Marine Corps command structure. I saw it with my own eyes, jea d it with my own ears. I used to go toe to toe, round and round with various Marines trying to force undue orders on me and my Marines and Sailors, EVEN THOUGH I had positional authority over them. This included the higher field grade ranks. The lengths those assholes went to denigrate me was absurd and bordered on the insanely sycophantic cult-like status civilians portray Marines to be.
This was at a MCAS, a Marine Corps Air Station, so I had PLENTY of interactions with MUTIPLE different commands, and it was always the same. Until the Lt Gen in charge of the Air Wing found out. But he only stepped in because it was creating undue stress on the larger command structure of the Wing.
Most Marines are the most cucked individuals I've ever seen because of those two mottos. It's fascinating to watch, really. It showed me that, while most soldiers, Sailors, and airmen may question certain orders, Marines don't. Which means, when it comes time for hostilities between us and [them], don't count on uniformed Marines to fight for us. On the contrary, the ones left in the Corps after [they] get rid of the noncompliantly "unvaxxed" will not hesitate to follow any given orders, even if it means firing on their own countrymen and even former Marines.
You can lump the rest of the "vaxxed" Branches, also. This isn't a doom and gloom position based out of fear on my part. This is a view I have from living that life, seeing and experiencing with my own eyes what our military has become. Fully cucked, and it sickens me.
Preying on the mottos, "God, Country, Corps" and "Esprit De Corps."
Most Marines have been coof vaxxed. The ones that will leave are the ones that will "show" the "leadership" they didn't "have what it takes" to serve in "this man's Corps." They're being denigrated by their own leadership already. Badgered and bullied into making a decision about the rest of their lives. But it surely isn't because those leaders have the Marine's best interest in mind. No, it's because the "leadership" is expecting those Marines to do what Marines do best: follow the orders of their superiors, "no matter what."
If y'all don't believe me, ask any former Marine about what I just said. Ask them how many orders they carried out, even though they were stupid or dangerous orders, just because their C.O. or higher ranking enlisted told them to.
And before any of you Marines attempt to call me out based on some warped sense of "Esprit De Corps," I have one thing to say. I served as a Sailor with Marines, UNDER the Marine Corps command structure. I saw it with my own eyes, jea d it with my own ears. I used to go toe to toe, round and round with various Marines trying to force undue orders on me and my Marines and Sailors, EVEN THOUGH I had positional authority over them. This included the higher field grade ranks. The lengths those assholes went to denigrate me was absurd and bordered on the insanely sycophantic cult-like status civilians portray Marines to be.
This was at a MCAS, a Marine Corps Air Station, so I had PLENTY of interactions with MUTIPLE different commands, and it was always the same. Until the Lt Gen in charge of the Air Wing found out. But he only stepped in because it was creating undue stress on the larger command structure of the Wing.
Most Marines are the most cucked individuals I've ever seen because of those two mottos. It's fascinating to watch, really. It showed me that, while most soldiers, Sailors, and airmen may question certain orders, Marines don't. Which means, when it comes time for hostilities between us and [them], don't count on uniformed Marines to fight for us. On the contrary, the ones left in the Corps after [they] get rid of the noncompliantly "unvaxxed" will not hesitate to follow any given orders, even if it means firing on their own countrymen and even former Marines.
You can lump the rest of the "vaxxed" Branches, also. This isn't a doom and gloom position based out of fear on my part. This is a view I have from living that life, seeing and experiencing with my own eyes what our military has become. Fully cucked, and it sickens me.