I want to see every damn person who was involved in election fraud pay dearly. I don’t care if they voted twice, voted in someone else’s name, filled out someone’s ballot, stole a ballot, changed ballots, connected the machine to the internet, ran illegal ballots through the counter, illegally voted as a citizen when they are here illegally, destroyed ballots, etc. I want them held accountable. I want them to pay dearly, not just a 2 year slap on the wrist, but 20 year minimum. If they are illegal, deport to the country of origin, be barred from life entering the U.S., and if found to have reentered 50-life imprisonment. The punishment for all has to be severe enough that no one ever attempts this fraud again.
I want to see every damn person who was involved in election fraud pay dearly. I don’t care if they voted twice, voted in someone else’s name, filled out someone’s ballot, stole a ballot, changed ballots, connected the machine to the internet, ran illegal ballots through the counter, illegally voted as a citizen when they are here illegally, destroyed ballots, etc. I want them held accountable. I want them to pay dearly, not just a 2 year slap on the wrist, but 20 year minimum. If they are illegal, deport to the country of origin, be barred from life entering the U.S., and if found to have reentered 50-life imprisonment. The punishment for all has to be severe enough that no one ever attempts this fraud again.
“voted as a citizen when they are here illegally”
Obviously illegal aliens shouldn’t vote, but neither should legal immigrants. The law is citizens only.