Not the song, fren, the yellow adapters that allow you to play a 45 on the spindle of a record player. They resemble the new Facebook logo, only rounder.
Lucifarian/cabaalist love mirror images like Mickey in reflection is Wicked or the 666 in Disney’s signature or names like SOROS spelled front and back the same way.
Think Google Chrome logo...
Yah it's exactly like chrome, how original
Google might sue for how similar it is to the Chrome logo.
No kidding - it's exactly the same, minus the colors, and inside a triangle instead of a circle...
Well, they're all cabal so Google probably wont care...
They probs won't because they don't go after comrades. Just like us
Hmm... What we should be doing is MEME this logo into a symbol that represents hate?
At the risk of showing my age, it reminds me of this:
Your age dose not offend me...
Not the song, fren, the yellow adapters that allow you to play a 45 on the spindle of a record player. They resemble the new Facebook logo, only rounder.
Lucifarian/cabaalist love mirror images like Mickey in reflection is Wicked or the 666 in Disney’s signature or names like SOROS spelled front and back the same way.
looks like a urinal flushing
Note to self: buy pink cupcakes
Or... it could be the EYE of Sauron from Lord of the Rings.
Just coming here to add ^this^ to the 666 symbolism.
I would think Google Chrome would sue them
It's a camera aperture. Also 666