With big deltas coming up, I see more and more datefagging going on in here. There are many fence sitters that see this and when it doesn’t happen, they’ll fall on the wrong side of the fence. So, let’s be very diligent in our datefagging.
Comments (18)
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Datefagging is a must.
It keeps everyone guessing and scares the shit out of the DS.
Meh to the OP.
It doesn't matter what the fence sitters do, or anybody. What part of NCSWIC do you not understand?
Don't worry, they'll reconsider and come back. In two weeks.
He who sits on fence ends up with sore ass.
I'm kinda on the fence with regard to datefagging. While it does lead to disappointment most of the times, it can set an alert to be on the lookout. Red October may not be the apocalypse that some believe, but it certainly has been a busy month confirmed by some of our favorite lizards that have crawled out from under a rock to squawk. If the patriots are datefagging, so are the enemies and that is a good thing
Ironically, the more we date fags, the more fence sitters we gain!
I agree it makes us sound stupid.
That "17" garbage is just the worst.
"Trump said 'x' 17 times since the 17th!!!, Ooooh, it's HABBENING!!"
Up voated for snarkiness
Independent Baptist, post-trib rebel that hates date-fagging.
Maybe I'm just not smart enuff to see all the important stuff....but it would take someone some EFFORT to make these numbers seem significant. There's no POWER in the number. Numerology is occultic. So it has to be messaging.
In terms of messaging, its like a symbol. OK. But real significance? Not seeing it. Honestly, I don't have any idea what the #17 would signify....
And the thread today...about the Q message about Hillary being arrested on Oct 31 2017....everybody is excited about it for this weekend....Until its pointed out that Q said MONDAY Oct 31....don't have one of them til 2022 or 23 cant recall....That's another date-fag that makes us look dumb. Matters to me because I send normies here every chance I get.
Not crazy at all. I do accept Providence and have experienced it more often than I've recognized I was experiencing it....I don't question God's plan....I am amazed at how true the Bible is....truer than I ever realized it was....who knew that the cult of Babylon actually DOES get drunk on the blood of the saints?
Sounds like we think similarly, just not in all the details. Watching Gods predicted plan has improved my appreciation of important truths that I only took for granted before. The exposed evil only makes me appreciate the Good of God all the more.
Maybe the disappointment you see in me is really the understanding that even a "win" for the white hats only delays the inevitable bottoming out of world history. At the end, the victory will be His and we will not be able to take a bit of credit for it. That's His ultimate plan. I think we are experiencing the most interesting part...right at the end.
Thank you for your thoughtful answer.