I agree...don't paint a generation with such a broad brush! I am in that generation and have identified much of these matters for many years...and know many others who also have been aware for years...and haven't been watching television for more than 20 years either.
Comment below says 95% of boomers are gripped by tv...where would one get such an estimate?
Do you believe that you are the rule or the exception though? What percentage of boomers do you think implicitly trust the television?
This is not a hateful observation either. It’s just what I see over and over again. The generation that first grew up on TV now has an implicit trust for the technology. Many boomers who do start to distrust TV only go so far as to reject CNN and MSNBC but still trust Fox. And there are even boomers who know that Fox is full of lies, but continue to watch it because they just need to have the TV running in the background to feel normal.
Again, every generation has its peculiarities and strengths and flaws. These are all generalizations and there will be exceptions, but we literally cannot communicate without the use of generalizations. Policing language to coddle people’s feelings usually isn’t the right move, especially when it’s being done in promotion of a lie.
You know, I don't think it is either the rule or the exception. Somewhere in the middle? Education levels make a difference, family of origins socioeconomic status, IQ and EQ matter...the area of the country in which one lives; rural or urban....and so forth.
It was once thought that older generations IQs were lower than younger generations, until the realization dawned that older generations may have had fewer years of education to compare with basic fund of knowledge of those who had more years of formal schooling...so 8th grade compared to those who had more of high school and college which is like apples and oranges comparison..at least back in the days when there really WAS some kind of education going on in most classrooms compared to the indoctrination happening too commonly today.
....and different ways of processing information from person to person, too.
Generalizing is a part of communicating, yes.
It is the question of overgeneralizing for an entire "generation" whether hateful or not, that concerns me.
Fair enough. I don’t actually use “boomer” or generational terms that often, because I do see how it has the potential to antagonize and divide, but at the same time, when making a point - a generalized point! - about the difference between a 20-year-old and a 70-year-old, referencing generational differences does make sense, y’know?
I have definitely noticed in my area that a lot of the older generation is not wearing masks, especially older white people whose ancestry goes back to the land many decades, whereas a lot of the younger people and foreign people are all about the masks. Again, more generalities! But this leads me to think that the longer someone has been tied to a land, the easier it is for them to tell their government to piss off with the bullshit. I think about how I would react if I was in a foreign land like Japan or something and the Japanese government issued some nonsense decree. I suppose I would also been more likely to submit than an old stock Japanese man might, just because of that feeling of being an outsider. However, at the same time I find it is pretty rare to find an older person willing to admit that everything we’ve ever learned from the TV is a lie, and I suspect these unmasked older people aren’t prepared to admit that - for example - Covid-19 doesn’t exist, whereas it’s a bit easier to get younger people to suddenly switch and disengage from everything, just because they are less invested.
It's simply is annoying as it has zero bearing on behavior of entire populations. It doesn't work with millennial, x Gen or any of it. It is honestly only labls the left coined just so the un suspecting could use it to divide.
No sun_wolf, you're spot on. TV will pretty much cease to exist after the boomers have passed. The boomers on this site are obviously not your run of the mill old person so I don't know why they're taking such offense. Perhaps the older folk have a thin skin because they weren't raised on the internet like the younger generations.
Oh come on. Stop with this outrage culture. It's totally true that old people watch the most TV, because the younger generation likes streaming services. You are obviously not the average old person.
Also IQ is irrelevant to education level. The entire point of the test is to measure a person's intellectual potential regardless of background. IQ had been increasing during the first three quarters of the 20th century because of better nutrition, but the generations born after 1975 have seen their IQs decreasing. Perhaps it's due to environmental factors like excessive childhood vaccines or inadequate diet.
Being careful to communicate clearly is NOT outrage culture.
Though streaming sources may be a different vehicle than television to obtain the signals, the content or methodology being promoted through either is essentially the same...whatever the prescribed agenda of political control may be...what we'd probably just call fake news for short. Until someone becomes aware of these "alternate" news sources as different from the big guys under full control....and that can happen at any age...though yes, i agree, there is still probably a smaller percentage of people over 60 relying on internet than television.
Yes, I do agree that there are some people who are more likely to accept authority blindly, but I am not so certain that it is as much age related as you think. I do agree that there are generational differences which I and others see more clearly in things like work ethic and perceptions of appropriate boundaries of appearance, behavior or language. It has been so good to see 20 and 30 somethings people speaking up in recognition of the assault on conservative values...I guess the rebellion against conservative values had become the "norm" so the next generation is now aware of and rebelling against "liberal" values...for lack of a better way to quickly describe.
Pearlrevolver, I think you had best re investigate the connections between IQ and education levels as there are MANY studies evaluating this which do establish a correlation, though not always an exact one. This is an area of my professional expertise. (and yes, I do agree there are MANY variables and I am also concerned about excessive vaccines and environmental factors that short circuit being able to develop to one's highest potential.)
I also mentioned EQ, just FYI, which affects how well one may be able to use one's IQ in various circumstances....such as putting together established "facts" with new information.
Sun_wolf, I am not sure what population of older people you are finding that can't /won't admit things promoted in the media aren't always true? Maybe stating it as "everything we've ever learned is a lie" goes further than many people are yet able to comprehend? Maybe take part of the story at a time?
This video on Monopoly was not a surprise to me in general, but the depth and scope of this research really did make it more clear how an agenda can be pushed so far and wide with so many people "in' on it....when the normalcy bias we hold just doesn't want to bend to accept this could really be true.
You are also bringing in some other factors, such as culture, that affect how people view authority. I know young people who are just as deeply entrenched that they can't see beyond the lies or hear anything that conflicts with what they believe...and really, the assault against recognizing legitimate authority has been underway for a long time already, which I suspect means that many younger people haven't ever lived in a time when it was normal to expect authority to be morally strong.
If you really wanted to get into more in depth discussion, studies of brain function do indicate that being able to receive/adjust to new information requires some kind of "shake up" event .... some people of any generation are going to be more resilient than others, but getting shaken out of entrenched beliefs to the point that new information can be considered seems to me to be a whole lot of the point of Q and rhetorical questions leading to discovery of that "shaking up" info...whatever generation is considered. That is kind of the psyop of Q's questions bringing out what is hard to swallow line by line, drip by drip....so it can be digested before more is revealed, I think.
Enough said from my end! And for what it's worth, applause for all here who are helping with the "shaking up" of entrenched beliefs!
See, this doesn’t even offend me because yeah, obviously the younger generation are tied to their phones in the same way the older generation is tied to their TV screens. Generalizations don’t bother me when they are generally accurate.
I agree...don't paint a generation with such a broad brush! I am in that generation and have identified much of these matters for many years...and know many others who also have been aware for years...and haven't been watching television for more than 20 years either. Comment below says 95% of boomers are gripped by tv...where would one get such an estimate?
Do you believe that you are the rule or the exception though? What percentage of boomers do you think implicitly trust the television?
This is not a hateful observation either. It’s just what I see over and over again. The generation that first grew up on TV now has an implicit trust for the technology. Many boomers who do start to distrust TV only go so far as to reject CNN and MSNBC but still trust Fox. And there are even boomers who know that Fox is full of lies, but continue to watch it because they just need to have the TV running in the background to feel normal.
Again, every generation has its peculiarities and strengths and flaws. These are all generalizations and there will be exceptions, but we literally cannot communicate without the use of generalizations. Policing language to coddle people’s feelings usually isn’t the right move, especially when it’s being done in promotion of a lie.
You know, I don't think it is either the rule or the exception. Somewhere in the middle? Education levels make a difference, family of origins socioeconomic status, IQ and EQ matter...the area of the country in which one lives; rural or urban....and so forth.
It was once thought that older generations IQs were lower than younger generations, until the realization dawned that older generations may have had fewer years of education to compare with basic fund of knowledge of those who had more years of formal schooling...so 8th grade compared to those who had more of high school and college which is like apples and oranges comparison..at least back in the days when there really WAS some kind of education going on in most classrooms compared to the indoctrination happening too commonly today. ....and different ways of processing information from person to person, too.
Generalizing is a part of communicating, yes.
It is the question of overgeneralizing for an entire "generation" whether hateful or not, that concerns me.
Fair enough. I don’t actually use “boomer” or generational terms that often, because I do see how it has the potential to antagonize and divide, but at the same time, when making a point - a generalized point! - about the difference between a 20-year-old and a 70-year-old, referencing generational differences does make sense, y’know?
I have definitely noticed in my area that a lot of the older generation is not wearing masks, especially older white people whose ancestry goes back to the land many decades, whereas a lot of the younger people and foreign people are all about the masks. Again, more generalities! But this leads me to think that the longer someone has been tied to a land, the easier it is for them to tell their government to piss off with the bullshit. I think about how I would react if I was in a foreign land like Japan or something and the Japanese government issued some nonsense decree. I suppose I would also been more likely to submit than an old stock Japanese man might, just because of that feeling of being an outsider. However, at the same time I find it is pretty rare to find an older person willing to admit that everything we’ve ever learned from the TV is a lie, and I suspect these unmasked older people aren’t prepared to admit that - for example - Covid-19 doesn’t exist, whereas it’s a bit easier to get younger people to suddenly switch and disengage from everything, just because they are less invested.
It's simply is annoying as it has zero bearing on behavior of entire populations. It doesn't work with millennial, x Gen or any of it. It is honestly only labls the left coined just so the un suspecting could use it to divide.
No sun_wolf, you're spot on. TV will pretty much cease to exist after the boomers have passed. The boomers on this site are obviously not your run of the mill old person so I don't know why they're taking such offense. Perhaps the older folk have a thin skin because they weren't raised on the internet like the younger generations.
Oh come on. Stop with this outrage culture. It's totally true that old people watch the most TV, because the younger generation likes streaming services. You are obviously not the average old person.
Here's a nice little chart: https://www.emarketer.com/content/the-digital-video-series-baby-boomers-infographic
Also IQ is irrelevant to education level. The entire point of the test is to measure a person's intellectual potential regardless of background. IQ had been increasing during the first three quarters of the 20th century because of better nutrition, but the generations born after 1975 have seen their IQs decreasing. Perhaps it's due to environmental factors like excessive childhood vaccines or inadequate diet.
Being careful to communicate clearly is NOT outrage culture.
Though streaming sources may be a different vehicle than television to obtain the signals, the content or methodology being promoted through either is essentially the same...whatever the prescribed agenda of political control may be...what we'd probably just call fake news for short. Until someone becomes aware of these "alternate" news sources as different from the big guys under full control....and that can happen at any age...though yes, i agree, there is still probably a smaller percentage of people over 60 relying on internet than television.
Yes, I do agree that there are some people who are more likely to accept authority blindly, but I am not so certain that it is as much age related as you think. I do agree that there are generational differences which I and others see more clearly in things like work ethic and perceptions of appropriate boundaries of appearance, behavior or language. It has been so good to see 20 and 30 somethings people speaking up in recognition of the assault on conservative values...I guess the rebellion against conservative values had become the "norm" so the next generation is now aware of and rebelling against "liberal" values...for lack of a better way to quickly describe.
Pearlrevolver, I think you had best re investigate the connections between IQ and education levels as there are MANY studies evaluating this which do establish a correlation, though not always an exact one. This is an area of my professional expertise. (and yes, I do agree there are MANY variables and I am also concerned about excessive vaccines and environmental factors that short circuit being able to develop to one's highest potential.)
I also mentioned EQ, just FYI, which affects how well one may be able to use one's IQ in various circumstances....such as putting together established "facts" with new information.
Sun_wolf, I am not sure what population of older people you are finding that can't /won't admit things promoted in the media aren't always true? Maybe stating it as "everything we've ever learned is a lie" goes further than many people are yet able to comprehend? Maybe take part of the story at a time?
This video on Monopoly was not a surprise to me in general, but the depth and scope of this research really did make it more clear how an agenda can be pushed so far and wide with so many people "in' on it....when the normalcy bias we hold just doesn't want to bend to accept this could really be true.
You are also bringing in some other factors, such as culture, that affect how people view authority. I know young people who are just as deeply entrenched that they can't see beyond the lies or hear anything that conflicts with what they believe...and really, the assault against recognizing legitimate authority has been underway for a long time already, which I suspect means that many younger people haven't ever lived in a time when it was normal to expect authority to be morally strong.
If you really wanted to get into more in depth discussion, studies of brain function do indicate that being able to receive/adjust to new information requires some kind of "shake up" event .... some people of any generation are going to be more resilient than others, but getting shaken out of entrenched beliefs to the point that new information can be considered seems to me to be a whole lot of the point of Q and rhetorical questions leading to discovery of that "shaking up" info...whatever generation is considered. That is kind of the psyop of Q's questions bringing out what is hard to swallow line by line, drip by drip....so it can be digested before more is revealed, I think.
Enough said from my end! And for what it's worth, applause for all here who are helping with the "shaking up" of entrenched beliefs!
What percentage of your generation are glued to the bullshit on your phones? It's not even sound thinking.
See, this doesn’t even offend me because yeah, obviously the younger generation are tied to their phones in the same way the older generation is tied to their TV screens. Generalizations don’t bother me when they are generally accurate.