RINO are survivable. Dems are fatal. One or the other WILL be in control. Example? Dems pushed to federalize elections making each state CA. Republicans, including RINOs, stopped that from happening.
Life versus death. Dems are death. RINOs offer the chance to live and keep fighting. Realpolitik.
As the bible says, "only God is good".
Reality denying purists are easily manipulated by psyops such as the current " RiNoS are as bad or wOrSe than Dems so dOnT vOtE. LeT tHe Dem win".
Suicide is NOT painless. Accelerationists are naive useful idiots.
RINO are survivable. Dems are fatal. One or the other WILL be in control. Example? Dems pushed to federalize elections making each state CA. Republicans, including RINOs, stopped that from happening.
Life versus death. Dems are death. RINOs offer the chance to live and keep fighting. Realpolitik.
As the bible says, "only God is good".
Reality denying purists are easily manipulated by psyops such as the current " RiNoS are as bad or wOrSe than Dems so dOnT vOtE. LeT tHe Dem win".
Suicide is NOT painless. Accelerationists are naive useful idiots.
Almost. Given no other good options, I will vote the Rino... but if there are better option, the long time rino isn't getting my vote.
It seems to me that you opine to more of the same politics that we've had for past 50 + years.