Emerald is NOT bright. She's a midwit who imagines she's faaar smarter than she really is. However, unlike another influential midwit, Benji, I don't have enough data to determine that she's intentionally malevolent.
Like I do with all midwits, I take her click bait tweets with a huuuge grain of salt and pray for her as well as for the normies who let her tell them what to think and feel.
The question is, does she know why and for whom its the biggest mistake ?
No matter how painful, for us Anons, is the best thing that happened. Only thing that can help catch them all.
Emerald is NOT bright. She's a midwit who imagines she's faaar smarter than she really is. However, unlike another influential midwit, Benji, I don't have enough data to determine that she's intentionally malevolent.
Like I do with all midwits, I take her click bait tweets with a huuuge grain of salt and pray for her as well as for the normies who let her tell them what to think and feel.
Actually people like that are the inadvertant super-spreaders of redpills for normies by tweeting something she shouldnt have kek
Her words may keep some from trusting the jab and that would be a good thing.