They ran the steal from Racine and used it as the test and model for the other swing states.
The mayor of Racine was “installed” in advance in a rigged election, Dominion was implemented to gain technical control, ElectionGuard used Wisconsin as the test state, Biden made the “highly unusual move” to personally intervene, endorse and rig a Billion Dollar Referendum in the April 2020 primary as a test along with the rigged recount process to ensure it would pass by four votes, Zuckerberg and CTCL used Racine as the gateway and head of the “Famous Wisconsin Five” to illegally manipulate the election process, Caron Butler of Racine with partner LeBron James scheduled illegal voting events through More than a Vote to influence the black community and got Juneteenth made into a national holiday to push the gene therapy on the community, the mayor’s brother implemented experimental COVID testing programs to spike cases before the primary and general election to justify the process changes, Mayor Pete made the final pitch for Biden before the general election in Racine, they used untrained and corrupt poll workers while fabricating a poll worker shortage, they rigged insider deals to promote their corrupt voting programs, they gave illegal access to private groups, they used mayors and community leaders to influence the process, they illegally created software to track everything, and used counties including Racine to keep the vote close enough so that the larger county, Milwaukee in Wisconsin’s case, could tip the scales in the early morning hours as they predicted and gloated about.
Racine is the historic Bellwether district of America, Paul Ryan’s district, and the Root and model for rigging the election and their bigger Agenda beyond.
I can't say about #1, but for #2, iirc, [they] tested out the election fraud in Racine and Racine County around 2014. When it succeeded, [they] used it in the 2016 elections, but didn't use the model in every state. That's how Trump was able to beat her. [they] got cocky thinking she would win. The same thing almost happened in 2020, and that's where [they] got sloppy.
You ate 100% correct, we can not fix it under the current circumstances. BUT, if enough people wake up especially the left, I believe that is when the final hammer will drop. And i
I agree with this 100%. I am hugely supportive of overturning the election.
But, I've had enough of the headline-style communication: "wait unitl you see everything..."
What do you think we've been doing? A LOT of waiting. We're more than ready for the meat and potatoes.
There will never be justice within the broken and dysfunctional branches of government controlled by the very people who orchestrate the crimes.
We need a model, and there is none better than turning their own against them.
The Root must be exposed, the real Agenda must be revealed, and the Mark must be denied.
Racine, Wisconsin was the model pivot district used to rig the election, and is the model community for their real Agenda.
Donald Trump can Save the World with One Word.
Whew. For a minute I thought you had dissapeared on us Truth. 2 questions:
1: What is the one word? 2: Did they run the steal from racine or did they just use it to test and model before they ran it in every other state?
The Word is Racine.
They ran the steal from Racine and used it as the test and model for the other swing states.
The mayor of Racine was “installed” in advance in a rigged election, Dominion was implemented to gain technical control, ElectionGuard used Wisconsin as the test state, Biden made the “highly unusual move” to personally intervene, endorse and rig a Billion Dollar Referendum in the April 2020 primary as a test along with the rigged recount process to ensure it would pass by four votes, Zuckerberg and CTCL used Racine as the gateway and head of the “Famous Wisconsin Five” to illegally manipulate the election process, Caron Butler of Racine with partner LeBron James scheduled illegal voting events through More than a Vote to influence the black community and got Juneteenth made into a national holiday to push the gene therapy on the community, the mayor’s brother implemented experimental COVID testing programs to spike cases before the primary and general election to justify the process changes, Mayor Pete made the final pitch for Biden before the general election in Racine, they used untrained and corrupt poll workers while fabricating a poll worker shortage, they rigged insider deals to promote their corrupt voting programs, they gave illegal access to private groups, they used mayors and community leaders to influence the process, they illegally created software to track everything, and used counties including Racine to keep the vote close enough so that the larger county, Milwaukee in Wisconsin’s case, could tip the scales in the early morning hours as they predicted and gloated about.
Racine is the historic Bellwether district of America, Paul Ryan’s district, and the Root and model for rigging the election and their bigger Agenda beyond.
I can't say about #1, but for #2, iirc, [they] tested out the election fraud in Racine and Racine County around 2014. When it succeeded, [they] used it in the 2016 elections, but didn't use the model in every state. That's how Trump was able to beat her. [they] got cocky thinking she would win. The same thing almost happened in 2020, and that's where [they] got sloppy.
You ate 100% correct, we can not fix it under the current circumstances. BUT, if enough people wake up especially the left, I believe that is when the final hammer will drop. And i