Unfortunately it appears to be much more sinister than simply reducing the immune system. Humanity 3.0 seems to be the end game from what I am seeing. Introduction of unknown materials that coincide with patented Nano Tech with AI capabilities found by many doctors and researchers now, under microscopy, seems to have a very large part in what the intention is behind these mass Gene Therapy injections.
Worthy to point out. COVID was not made in a lab. COVID is a disease. The symptoms caused by SARS-COV2. This is an important to distinguish from the commonly brain washing narrative. Every indication points to SARS-COV2 with introduction of a spike protein was created in a lab. COVID is the disease name assigned to the symptoms caused and encompass nearly everything someone could or would experience as an illness. Therefore a vaccine, which it isnt, and is stated in the applications as a gene therapy, can NOT protect against a disease. This is the crux of the hoax. They cant test for a disease, they cant inoculate against a disease. Every single write up has word smithed and bastardized the wording, the EOs the mandates the CDC guidance, WHO recommendations. Nearly all with exception to early write ups where they assigned COVID-19 as the cause of the pandemic, NOW say COVID-19 the disease caused by SARS-COV2.
They simply branded symptoms of sickness and illness and assigned it a name. Used testing with known false-positive application, got a few pedigree people and publications to push this narrative and then reported on global deaths as they occur, assigning them to cause from COVID, which was actually "with COVID" aka a symptom of illness. COVID-19 as a virus does not exist. It is medically referred to as a disease. Nomenclature and definition of terminology is very important here.
Unfortunately it appears to be much more sinister than simply reducing the immune system. Humanity 3.0 seems to be the end game from what I am seeing. Introduction of unknown materials that coincide with patented Nano Tech with AI capabilities found by many doctors and researchers now, under microscopy, seems to have a very large part in what the intention is behind these mass Gene Therapy injections.
Worthy to point out. COVID was not made in a lab. COVID is a disease. The symptoms caused by SARS-COV2. This is an important to distinguish from the commonly brain washing narrative. Every indication points to SARS-COV2 with introduction of a spike protein was created in a lab. COVID is the disease name assigned to the symptoms caused and encompass nearly everything someone could or would experience as an illness. Therefore a vaccine, which it isnt, and is stated in the applications as a gene therapy, can NOT protect against a disease. This is the crux of the hoax. They cant test for a disease, they cant inoculate against a disease. Every single write up has word smithed and bastardized the wording, the EOs the mandates the CDC guidance, WHO recommendations. Nearly all with exception to early write ups where they assigned COVID-19 as the cause of the pandemic, NOW say COVID-19 the disease caused by SARS-COV2.
They simply branded symptoms of sickness and illness and assigned it a name. Used testing with known false-positive application, got a few pedigree people and publications to push this narrative and then reported on global deaths as they occur, assigning them to cause from COVID, which was actually "with COVID" aka a symptom of illness. COVID-19 as a virus does not exist. It is medically referred to as a disease. Nomenclature and definition of terminology is very important here.