Imagine ruining your child's life because you were bamboozled into thinking you were doing the right thing. I actually feel bad for this lady, sometimes I forget that normies have a constant stream of propaganda being shoved down their throats, and the trusting ones don't sense the danger. I'm sad to think that many of us on this side sensed danger because we're not naive, every one has a story, I wonder what part of this divide is caused by nature vs. nurture. School of hard knocks vs. easy life in the suburbs, soccer moms and summer camps. No one actually deserves this, especially not the kids who are having their childhood robbed from them, vaxxed or not.
Nature and nurture are only part of the picture. The only parts that can be scientifically quantified. Free Will exists outside of both and is just as important, despite modern psychology trying to downplay or deny its existence.
K selection vs r selection. K’s have well developed amygdalae which helps them perceive threats. K’s are protective of their young and suspicious of outsiders. r’s multiply when resources are easy, but they get picked off.
This is intellectually dishonest nonsense. There's a whole group of people who don't give a flying fuck about that. They simply care about their family and want to do what's best for them. They were lied to and brainwashed, likely since youth, to believe that what they're doing is right. To not acknowledge this group of people as separate from the elitist asshats who are as you described is asinine. You have to intentionally deny reality in favor of some agenda that you desire to push that everyone who isn't already awake and on our side is bad and knows what they're doing but just don't care. They don't. And you're a detriment to, and actively impeding, our mission by pretending they do.
One thing is sure: If we cannot find compassion in our hearts for those who have been victims of Cabal deception, we're not worthy to see the victory at the end.
It will be there, but we won't be worthy.
Your comment here is the best comment i have read in ages.
Imagine ruining your child's life because you were bamboozled into thinking you were doing the right thing. I actually feel bad for this lady, sometimes I forget that normies have a constant stream of propaganda being shoved down their throats, and the trusting ones don't sense the danger. I'm sad to think that many of us on this side sensed danger because we're not naive, every one has a story, I wonder what part of this divide is caused by nature vs. nurture. School of hard knocks vs. easy life in the suburbs, soccer moms and summer camps. No one actually deserves this, especially not the kids who are having their childhood robbed from them, vaxxed or not.
You bring up a great point about nature vs nurture. Very well could be a part of it by God's guidance
Nature and nurture are only part of the picture. The only parts that can be scientifically quantified. Free Will exists outside of both and is just as important, despite modern psychology trying to downplay or deny its existence.
K selection vs r selection. K’s have well developed amygdalae which helps them perceive threats. K’s are protective of their young and suspicious of outsiders. r’s multiply when resources are easy, but they get picked off.
wanted to feel a smug sense of self satisfaction and superiority over others.
This is intellectually dishonest nonsense. There's a whole group of people who don't give a flying fuck about that. They simply care about their family and want to do what's best for them. They were lied to and brainwashed, likely since youth, to believe that what they're doing is right. To not acknowledge this group of people as separate from the elitist asshats who are as you described is asinine. You have to intentionally deny reality in favor of some agenda that you desire to push that everyone who isn't already awake and on our side is bad and knows what they're doing but just don't care. They don't. And you're a detriment to, and actively impeding, our mission by pretending they do.
Cool story, bro
Very reasoned and well thought out response, thanks for adding to the discussion!
Women in general and men who cannot bench their own bodyweight should not be allowed on twitter.
Looks like you got a down vote from a limp-wristed fellow.
Many such cases, sad!
One thing is sure: If we cannot find compassion in our hearts for those who have been victims of Cabal deception, we're not worthy to see the victory at the end.
It will be there, but we won't be worthy.
Your comment here is the best comment i have read in ages.
thank you.
🍒 🍦 😉🙏