Xiden creates a logical fallacy by equating TV commercials with reality:
Based on small glimpses of culture, one might assume half or more of all relationships involve some sort of race-mixing. If a person who had no information about the US or Europe were to see our television, magazine, billboard, and storefront advertisements, he might assume there were virtually zero normal white men anywhere to be found. The combination of white women with black men is hands down, the most common mixed-race couple depicted in advertising; that combination will be the focus of this essay.
A study of over two million online dating interactions revealed distinct racial preferences between groups. White women responded most frequently to white men, and least frequently to black men. Sexually transmitted disease rates per the 2016 Center for Disease Control speak for themselves.
In terms of combined median incomes of interracial marriages, black husbands with white wives earned the lowest amount of any other combination. The black husband and white wife combination were also the least educated. Of the interracial combinations, marriages between whites and blacks were found to be the least stable, and the most likely to result in divorce. The divorce rate is higher in all interracial marriages for white women relative to a white marriage.
A 2015 study examined the outcomes of women that have children with black men, the results were staggering. Currently, 70% of black children are born out of wedlock, however when the mother is white and the father black, the rate jumps to 97%. 98% of white mothers studied reported the father does not support their children financially, 97% report the father is not in the child’s life, and 97% of the women have used welfare to help support themselves and their children. Only 10% of women that have children with black men out of wedlock end up marrying. The vast majority of white women that have children with black men live far below the poverty line.
A 2013 study of intimate partner violence in relationships, surveyed nearly ten-thousand people, the authors hypothesized that interracial couples would experience higher levels of violence compared to intra-racial relationships. They found that compared to white relationships, both black couples and interracial couples experience statistically significant higher levels of relationship violence.
Interesting writing on Microchimerism
Prevalent genetic diseases are primarily introduced by outbreeding depression, which results from mating between unrelated or distantly related individuals, In turn, these genetic diseases tend to be concentrated in a small gene pool as a result of being isolated. There are examples this found in human cultures across the world. One of the most amazing examples of this is found in the Jewish community. Even today marriage outside the Jewish community is greatly discouraged. In essence, inbreeding makes the genetic disease more prevalent in the community (gene pool). There is no other people on Earth where this is more exemplified than within the Jewish community. It is a taboo subject mentioning that the Jewish community as a group have more genetic diseases than any other people in the world.
Notwithstanding, there is much more to this than just simply stating it. The explanation can be realized by understanding the following. The presence of DNA/cells that originate from another individual, and are genetically distinct (racially) from the cells of the host individual, can cause certain types of autoimmune diseases. This is known as microchimerism and occurs from having sexual intercourse from a genetically different partner (racially different; outbreeding). The DNA/cells from a racially different sex partner has a deleterious effect to the female's own immune system, it’s homeostasis, and her mental equanimity. The DNA or RNA from sperm of a non-kindred male sexual partner influences the women's own phenotype. It also influence the traits of their subsequent offspring. This phenomena is passed on to future generations. If you have ever wondered why historically multicultural societies consistently implode into crime ridden societies, I offer this as a possible explanation warranting further investigation.
Evidence shows that the male's cells/DNA from a sexual encounter has been found living in the brains of women from 38 years ago. If the male is from a similar genetic background, the DNA/cells are beneficial to the mother and baby's immune system. However, the cells/DNA from a racially different partner are in conflict with the mother’s immune system and are attacked through what is known as a cytokine storm. The body's own immune system becomes the greatest threat to the health and longevity of the female (and baby). The health consequences can be immediate and neuro-immunological diseases involving inflammation are evident through many diseases producing systemic sepsis, as defined by persistent hypotension, hyper- or hypothermia, leukocytosis or leukopenia, and often thrombocytopenia. Viral, bacterial, and fungal pulmonary infections all cause the sepsis syndrome, and these etiological agents are difficult to differentiate on clinical grounds. In some cases, persistent tissue damage without severe microbial infection in the lungs also is associated with a cytokine storm and clinical manifestations that mimic sepsis syndrome. In addition to lung infections, the cytokine storm is a consequence of severe infections in the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, central nervous system, skin, joint spaces, and other sites. Other diseases take hold many, many years later.
The consequences are always the same. This is something that isn't publicized, but is instead censored. The studies are hidden from the public. Any mentioning of this is immediately labeled as a "myth" or racist conspiracy theory. It is a fact the children of racially mixed couples are far more apt to neuro-immunological and psychological diseases. Of any racial group, the Jews have by far the most genetic diseases, and because of this, it provides evidential example how genetic diseases are spread to other distinct genetic groups.
Found this and provides some credence to the polemic [racial difference in birth weight]. It may be one factor combined with microchimerism.
Also here is another study,