One that I talked to is very good friends with people in HR in a major corporation. I am not going to mention the name here but it is a major corporation that is very well known. This person I talked to completely agrees with me about the vax. This person also knows of my friend that passed away.
According to this person the corporation has a problem. They were considering pushing the mandate but as of this week throughout the country only 30% of their employees are vaxxed.
They cannot stay in business if they push the mandate.
The media is lying to us. The unvaxxed are the majority.
I thought that some here would find this encouraging.
I live in a community with lots of senior citizens. All I can say is the majority of them have not only taken the jabs but many of them are getting the boosters. So far watching the results:
One family I know in my neighborhood has lost a daughter to an aggressive brain cancer, the father died but I don't know what from and the mother had breast cancer return. She is a member of my church and is adamant that everyone wear a mask. I assume they were ALL vaxxed.
Another neighbor took the vax not long ago I don't know if he got both jabs or not. I assume he did. Right after the vax he ended up having angina and recently underwent a triple by pass surgery.
My own sister took both jabs and ended up with some neuropathy that she never had before. When checked they said she had clots in her legs. She has had one leg cleared out and the second one is due to be declogged in a couple of weeks. She no longer has the neuropathy in the leg she had cleaned out.
A couple of other people ended up with some nasty herpes virus problems from the shot. And ALL the people I know who have been jabbed are the only ones that have tested positive for COVID.
I suspect many more young people are unvaxxed than the elderly who were targeted by COVID.