posted ago by PilgrimFarAway ago by PilgrimFarAway +101 / -1

I was sure that my family was going to stay pureblood, but my daughter is 18, very liberal and was afraid to tell us the truth. Then, my wife started to have really crazy periods. I got tinnitus really bad. I also went from sleeping 5.5 hours per day to needing to sleep 9 hours. When my wife's migraines got really bad, I started to suspect things.

I know it's not proof of anything, but I think she is shedding those filthy spike proteins.

My wife got my daughter to confide that she had taken the "vaccine", "because she respects others".

I do not know if our interventions solved the problems or if it was going to be short-lived anyway. We followed the Z protocol, plus C60 daily. A week later, both my wife and I were back to normal. I realized how energy-depleted I was when my energy recovered.