430 Q Post #100 Matches The Release Date Of the New Princess Diana Movie "Spencer". Incredible Odds. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by SemperSupra 3 years ago by SemperSupra +431 / -1 45 comments download share 45 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I read early this year that Boris was the journalist who wrote hit pieces on Thatcher to ensure her downfall.
He was born in NY where his father was attached to the UN so being a disciple of the NWO isn’t hard.
He is unmistakably seen in the Bullingdon club photos of the 80s.
In the late Brexit period of Autumn 2019 I used to listen to the debates on withdrawal.
Other ( more genuine?) MPs were questioning his integrity,honesty and truthfulness like they knew something more about him.
I think the buffoon image was a mirror and perhaps he was chosen to be who he now is many years ago through initiation, tasks and assignments.
Wow!!! I looked up where he was born -- to make sure you meant New York State... I have more digging to do... I betchya there's ties to Cornell (or something) and eventually Racine...