Fibromyalgia caused by improper diet. It’s most likely dairy but gluten can also Be the culprit. You can tell if your allergic to gluten if you take reg wheat flour leave on your hands for a long while let’s say an hr if your hands itch or turn pink and over dry crack bad your allergic. Dairy has been mutated boiled a dairy farmer once told me 15% of the pop was allergic and don’t know. It also cause lactic acidosis in your muscles which can give you acid reflux and sleep apnea.
Fibromyalgia caused by improper diet. It’s most likely dairy but gluten can also Be the culprit. You can tell if your allergic to gluten if you take reg wheat flour leave on your hands for a long while let’s say an hr if your hands itch or turn pink and over dry crack bad your allergic. Dairy has been mutated boiled a dairy farmer once told me 15% of the pop was allergic and don’t know. It also cause lactic acidosis in your muscles which can give you acid reflux and sleep apnea.
Good to know