Trump says “Israel rightfully control Congress”
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So what euphemism would you prefer, given the Jews aren't just Rothschilds or Bilderbergs or Khazaranians or Freemasons or Orthodox... but they are Jews?
Kazharians would be appropriate. That's the lineage causing the trouble. They love the fact hide behind the Jews and let them take the blame for everything. Just remember Dr. Zelenko is an Orthodox Jew. A better man you will not find. While fighting his own cancer death sentence he's doing righteous battle against the CDC and FDA. He calls out the people pushing the vaccines and gave people options to defeat Covid that murderers like Fauci, an Italian Jesuit trained Roman Catholic would never do.
And Jews love to gain shekels and nepotistic employment in return for protecting your "bad Jews" from justice.
You make a good point that your "good Jews" and your "bad Jews" are two sides of the same coin who both work together to achieve the same Satanic ends.
Perhaps this answers the "Jewish Question" about why Jews are the most exiled and arguably the most hated and degenerate and treacherous people in human history, generally speaking.
Not 2 sides of the same coin. There are evil people and good people. Every race, creed, religion, ethnicity has good and evil.
You hate Jews. That is obvious. You blame Jews and justify it by saying others through history blamed them for everything. Haters feel they elevate themselves by diminishing others. The truth is if all the Jews in the world disappeared this very moment, you’d soon find another group to hate. You don’t just hate Jews, you just hate and will rationalize it anyway you can. That’s who you are and what you do.
I dont think any of us here have met every Jew or even any significant portion of them to know if they all share the same ideology. So it makes sense to go by their ideology / affiliation. Khazarians when referring to Cabal. Central Bankers when referring to Rothschild and co. Zonists when referring to political ideology. Mossad when referring to the owners of CIA / Hollywood / Blackmail etc.
What euphemism would you use to describe all of these Jews and these Jews?
You don't need euphemisms! These are Jewish elites.
As a person who has gone through the same journey of trying to learn real knowledge I understand the anger phase when you uncover some of the truths. Dont just stop there. Keep digging. There is so much more to truth and while we can never completely uncover everything and paint the exact precise picture, it becomes clear that the moment you let your anger turn into hate for any group of people based on generalisations - be it race, be it religion, be it gender or any other identity divisions thrown into our society - you are as much a useful tool to them as any BLM / Transactivist or anyone else. They dont care whom you hate as long as you are hating someone other than the actual people who are destroying our world.
Always remember who your enemy is.
What specifically makes these Jews and Jew like Ben Lorber "elite Jews"?