Trump says “Israel rightfully control Congress”
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Perhaps in that golden age after 1837 and before 1862 it was a republic, but before and after, not so much. Its been a banker controlled state since 1873 (or maybe 1871, I haven't quite worked out the legality). Certainly since the coin act of 1873 this country has largely belonged to the Bankers. It also started theirs in 1787.
It's been 100% theirs since 1913. Any idea that we "gave it away" has nothing to do with reality. They took it by force and coercion of those few in a position to stop it. Then they put the fear of God into We The People through their media manipulation and World Wars, Great Depression, etc. to prevent us from seeing the truth of what they had done until they "educated" the truth out of us.
None of what we think of as "history" has much Truth in it. All history books have been published by Banker controlled publishing companies. All education since 1902 has been dictated by Bankers.
Everything is a fraud.