Among the VIP regulars are ballet director Septime Webre and talking head Tucker Carlson, but even Donald Rumsfeld has dropped by for a pie.
I read the review the whole way through and there are many disgusting disguised pedo references by the reviewer, Tom Sietsema. I hope this b*stard is in jail.
For example, the last line of the review:
Truth be told, though, the best finish I ever had at Comet Ping Pong was yet another pizza.
Check out this Comet Ping Pong restaurant review “Game For Pizza” in The Washington Post from 2007:
Look who else was name-dropped:
I read the review the whole way through and there are many disgusting disguised pedo references by the reviewer, Tom Sietsema. I hope this b*stard is in jail.
For example, the last line of the review:
Archive of the review:
Excellent work