Among the VIP regulars are ballet director Septime Webre and talking head Tucker Carlson, but even Donald Rumsfeld has dropped by for a pie.
I read the review the whole way through and there are many disgusting disguised pedo references by the reviewer, Tom Sietsema. I hope this b*stard is in jail.
For example, the last line of the review:
Truth be told, though, the best finish I ever had at Comet Ping Pong was yet another pizza.
I drove up behind CPP and sat for a few minutes. Someone came out from the back of CPP and the vestibule was shared with Little Red Fox (or whatever it’s called). On that side, there was a stairwell down. The block was built all at once and all the other units have basements. I’ve reviewed all the DC Public Works docs. The building on both sides
Have basements. Think they skipped the basement at 5037 when they dug the block 100 years ago? CPP has a basement. I also went in and pissed on the toilet paper.
Don't make Pizzagate dependent on whether Comet Pizza has a basement or not.
That was always the deboonker's red herring.
Pizzagate had to do with the thousands of pedo images on Comet Pizza's and JA's instagram. Sick stuff. Really sick stuff.
Comet ping pong was special because of the people that used it, Actors, politicians(Obama) etc
Also special because the owner made regular visits to Obama's white house and is considered (by Vice at least) as a power broker within DC.
Check out this Comet Ping Pong restaurant review “Game For Pizza” in The Washington Post from 2007:
Look who else was name-dropped:
I read the review the whole way through and there are many disgusting disguised pedo references by the reviewer, Tom Sietsema. I hope this b*stard is in jail.
For example, the last line of the review:
Archive of the review:
Excellent work
I drove up behind CPP and sat for a few minutes. Someone came out from the back of CPP and the vestibule was shared with Little Red Fox (or whatever it’s called). On that side, there was a stairwell down. The block was built all at once and all the other units have basements. I’ve reviewed all the DC Public Works docs. The building on both sides Have basements. Think they skipped the basement at 5037 when they dug the block 100 years ago? CPP has a basement. I also went in and pissed on the toilet paper.
exactly. besides, a co-packer would be making the sauce, and probably warehousing what would amount to 5000 quarts.
As sick as it comes.