Someone in the Military has reported that Australia is training them to go to homes, forcibly remove people from their homes and forcibly vaxx them with Covid-19 jab.
They are also being trained to hunt in the bush for people trying to run and hide:
Please share
As an Aussie I can say that this seems bs. This story did the rounds a couple of months ago as well, but turned out to be rubbish, with selective editing of videos/pictures to give the impression that this was occurring. I'd be surprised if they'd do anything this blatant anyway. The snakes in politics would use coercion, like they have been.
If this was more common knowledge I can guarantee there'd be a lot more jumping up and down about it, that's for sure.
What's really happening though is the push by Victoria's parliament (Dan Andrews) to give the premier unprecedented pandemic powers. The bill has already passed the lower house and will be voted on in the upper house in a couple of weeks. It's honestly like a group of politicians getting together and saying "hey, let's all vote to give ourselves dictatorship powers". I can't wrap my head around how this is even legally possible.
Upvoted because firsthand info is good. Should be more Aussies checking in soon. Thanks.
That said, this small no-context vid is not reporting that this is happening today, but rather showing one person's reporting of hearsay.
This warning is coming from an Aussie in the military.
The video could use more context. It described his training. As someone else commented, this training is similar to some training that US troops have had. It sounds scary, horrific, and dystopian, but there is still a difference between training for something that might happen, and something actually happening. I'm glad you posted it. We should be aware of what is coming. But this video is very short, and could use context, and I'm glad to have other eyes on the ground as additional info sources.
my Australian friend just said almost same thing above