It would be 3. None of the above. Look at what you want decode whatever you want. But a banana peel has as much encoded hidden messages in it as half of these examples in that write up. Some of it is well worth looking into and understandably interesting. By all means, but the author summarizes egyptian pyramids as a couple 100 years old and nuclear energy is some secret chemical process. Yeah, NO. Most credibility gone at that point. If you buy or bought into that you should look at your own woke awaken-ness. Stating truth and true form of the world, sounds egocentric megalomaniac to me. Happy decoding
It's okay if you aren't ready for it yet, it's hard to digest at first, I also brushed it off as crazy the first couple of times I was exposed to it. Credibility gone because he questioned something you are programmed to believe is a fact? Nukes are definitely not real, but nuclear energy is? Doubtful. So why is a chemical process so out of this world? It's a lot more sane than magic rocks only the government gets to handle. It's just you've been programmed to believe one is indisputable fact.
This is flat earther cringeworthy. I work in the nuclear industry and have extensive knowledge of nuclear power plants and processes used, nuclear weapons and materials for over 27 years. Definitely not real. Lol. Studied with intimate knowledge of egyptology for 30 years. Im just not ready for the truth and cant digest it, just not ready for all that truth. Moronic, really should get some experience that isnt google, internet fringe write ups and you tube videos.
Magic rocks. You must be referring to U-235, 237 and PU-238, 239. Those magic rocks? Chemical processes isnt out of this world, its demonstrably retarded to even suggest. The magic you elude to is ionizing gamma radiation emission at specific activities from radioactive man made isotopes harnessed in the form of steam created from heat. Or as a you-tubelet describes it as "magic"!
You gave me the inclination there is absolutely no hope for your primitive little brain has any discernment or ability to possibly comprehend anything remotely outside of liberal arts down syndrome. Thanks for playing. Enjoy that creative bubble of delusion, easily persuaded and promoting garbage. You sure shut the fuck up when presented with anything outside your smooth brain narrative. Side bar into Call me a shill. All good your just not ready for actual truth. Go decode your next toilet bowl swirl and report in.
It would be 3. None of the above. Look at what you want decode whatever you want. But a banana peel has as much encoded hidden messages in it as half of these examples in that write up. Some of it is well worth looking into and understandably interesting. By all means, but the author summarizes egyptian pyramids as a couple 100 years old and nuclear energy is some secret chemical process. Yeah, NO. Most credibility gone at that point. If you buy or bought into that you should look at your own woke awaken-ness. Stating truth and true form of the world, sounds egocentric megalomaniac to me. Happy decoding
It's okay if you aren't ready for it yet, it's hard to digest at first, I also brushed it off as crazy the first couple of times I was exposed to it. Credibility gone because he questioned something you are programmed to believe is a fact? Nukes are definitely not real, but nuclear energy is? Doubtful. So why is a chemical process so out of this world? It's a lot more sane than magic rocks only the government gets to handle. It's just you've been programmed to believe one is indisputable fact.
This is flat earther cringeworthy. I work in the nuclear industry and have extensive knowledge of nuclear power plants and processes used, nuclear weapons and materials for over 27 years. Definitely not real. Lol. Studied with intimate knowledge of egyptology for 30 years. Im just not ready for the truth and cant digest it, just not ready for all that truth. Moronic, really should get some experience that isnt google, internet fringe write ups and you tube videos.
Magic rocks. You must be referring to U-235, 237 and PU-238, 239. Those magic rocks? Chemical processes isnt out of this world, its demonstrably retarded to even suggest. The magic you elude to is ionizing gamma radiation emission at specific activities from radioactive man made isotopes harnessed in the form of steam created from heat. Or as a you-tubelet describes it as "magic"!
Ah, so you're a shill. Gotcha. Well at least I gave you the benefit of the doubt.
You gave me the inclination there is absolutely no hope for your primitive little brain has any discernment or ability to possibly comprehend anything remotely outside of liberal arts down syndrome. Thanks for playing. Enjoy that creative bubble of delusion, easily persuaded and promoting garbage. You sure shut the fuck up when presented with anything outside your smooth brain narrative. Side bar into Call me a shill. All good your just not ready for actual truth. Go decode your next toilet bowl swirl and report in.