posted ago by Cat_Anon ago by Cat_Anon +54 / -0

"Gasp! How can you be against making medical break throughs?!" you scream.

No, I am in favor of medical break throughs, and that is why I believe this is what must be done.

In the past year, we have seen Ivermectin annihilate Covid in Uttar Pradesh and Indonesia in about a month's time (combined population, about 530 million). Yet, we see those who are FUNDED be the ones that do all in their power to keep this medicine from the people. They are not ignorant of the success of Ivermectin elsewhere. They KNOW it is successful, and THAT IS EXACTLY WHY THEY WISH TO KEEP IT FROM US.

The problem is not small, it is WHO, NIH, CDA, and thousands of hospital administrators, doctors, and pharmacies across the country that are connected to the money are are compromised. Do you really think Covid is one of the rare diseases where the medical industry seeks to keep the cures from the people?

Funding "medical research" for those mentioned seems to mean "We will give you this money if you keep any breakthroughs from ever seeing the day of light."

Think of all the cancer research fundraisers we have all participated in over the decades (think pink ribbon), think March of Dimes. Yet nothing ever changes. Cancer patients continue to get surgery, radiation, and chemo. Those with MS still end up in wheelchairs. Those with Alzheimer's still lose their cognitive abilities. Those with diabetes continue to inject themselves with insulin.

Can anyone really say we've seen any meaningful medical breakthroughs in recent decades?

I pray to God that those keeping the cures from the world get the most severe punishments ever, and then funding for medical research can finally become meaningful.