I'm pretty sure that they're using Telegram as glowie setup central now, that's where all of this stemmed from, two telegram accounts, both with huge follower counts. There must be five JFK jr accounts on there I know of at least one Carolyn Kennedy, and there's Michael Jackson accounts too, not fan sites, these are pages that claim to be these people, and they all have huge followings.
I agree, it's one big distraction over there, the reason I don't have telegram.
If you really want some info on John Kennedy, this is an awesome thread, takes awhile to read, but have learned so much. example; he had a 'mask' collection, wanted to name his son Flynn, and liked to use repetitive 'mantras'. was also a bit on the special-ed side, dyslexia/ADHD, so think he's an autist too.
I'm pretty sure that they're using Telegram as glowie setup central now, that's where all of this stemmed from, two telegram accounts, both with huge follower counts. There must be five JFK jr accounts on there I know of at least one Carolyn Kennedy, and there's Michael Jackson accounts too, not fan sites, these are pages that claim to be these people, and they all have huge followings.
I agree, it's one big distraction over there, the reason I don't have telegram.
If you really want some info on John Kennedy, this is an awesome thread, takes awhile to read, but have learned so much. example; he had a 'mask' collection, wanted to name his son Flynn, and liked to use repetitive 'mantras'. was also a bit on the special-ed side, dyslexia/ADHD, so think he's an autist too.
Yeah and all want you to buy “Only 100 left Trump Coins” that will skyrocket in value.