They also point to Nellie Ohr (Fusion GPS), who points to Bruce Ohr (DOJ), who points to Baker (FBI who is squawking), who points to Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Obama, and ... Biden.
Very interesting. I wonder what first means here. Has the first indictment been unsealed (this may not be the first indictment that was made)? Is this the first indictment that has been unsealed? What will the pop be awakened to?
In terms of future direction, Sussmann > Danchenko > Steele > Clinton? Obviously more involved, but Sussmann and Danchenko point to Steele.
They also point to Nellie Ohr (Fusion GPS), who points to Bruce Ohr (DOJ), who points to Baker (FBI who is squawking), who points to Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Obama, and ... Biden.
First indictment [unseal] ???
I saw many here speculate first indictment was actually ghislaine not him. But maybe it is him
Sussman indictment was just as substantial and earlier than this.
Very interesting. I wonder what first means here. Has the first indictment been unsealed (this may not be the first indictment that was made)? Is this the first indictment that has been unsealed? What will the pop be awakened to?
Interesting … love that movie.
Flip the political parties, make the virus fake instead of real, and instead of V we have Q … art imitating life or life imitating art ?
Sussman's wasn't sealed. Ghislane Maxwell's was.
Thanks Fren!