The Clown World is so clown-like right now I can't even figure out what their point in this picture is. Are we supposed to feel angry they aren't wearing masks and social distancing? IDK probably not, otherwise they would all be middle aged white men or something.
The headline tells the story, but the author then proceeds to promote getting vaccinated regardless. The article acknowledge waning immunity, but as we all know get that subscription service and you will be fine. Who cares about adverse reactions, or actual survival rates where you get a non waning and amazing natural immunity instead of the lottery of subscription immune system waiting for the one that finally gets you!
I wonder, if the jabbed stop getting boosters, if the virus protection wanes as 'experts' are saying, does this mean that there is the possibility that the danger to the host wanes too? Will clotting cease? the replication of spikes cease? the ADE lessen? Wouldn't make sense that just one thing (heightened immune system 'alertness') would decrease without similar effects in other areas. Hoping for my friends' sakes.
Fear trumps common sense and they think it will save them from death by Covid. If they know about the deaths and horrible reactions from the vaxx, they dismiss that data as not affecting enough people to be concerned about it. The ones that really get me are the people lying in hospital beds due to vaxx reactions and parents standing over their child in a hospital bed due to vaxx reactions and they still tell others to get the jab. Cognitive dissonance is strong in the sheep.
Even when they are so racially diverse?
The Clown World is so clown-like right now I can't even figure out what their point in this picture is. Are we supposed to feel angry they aren't wearing masks and social distancing? IDK probably not, otherwise they would all be middle aged white men or something.
The headline is comical enough, but the full article will surely make any moderately intelligent person cringe.
The headline tells the story, but the author then proceeds to promote getting vaccinated regardless. The article acknowledge waning immunity, but as we all know get that subscription service and you will be fine. Who cares about adverse reactions, or actual survival rates where you get a non waning and amazing natural immunity instead of the lottery of subscription immune system waiting for the one that finally gets you!
I wonder, if the jabbed stop getting boosters, if the virus protection wanes as 'experts' are saying, does this mean that there is the possibility that the danger to the host wanes too? Will clotting cease? the replication of spikes cease? the ADE lessen? Wouldn't make sense that just one thing (heightened immune system 'alertness') would decrease without similar effects in other areas. Hoping for my friends' sakes.
So there's no difference in vaccinated and unvaccinated people. Also we're forcing you to take it or else face destitution.
Because unvaccinated people will have worse symptoms possibly?
Tell that to my double-vaxed neighbor who just spent two weeks in the hospital with covid pneumonia.
Anyway, here's the original BBC article.
Fear trumps common sense and they think it will save them from death by Covid. If they know about the deaths and horrible reactions from the vaxx, they dismiss that data as not affecting enough people to be concerned about it. The ones that really get me are the people lying in hospital beds due to vaxx reactions and parents standing over their child in a hospital bed due to vaxx reactions and they still tell others to get the jab. Cognitive dissonance is strong in the sheep.
Um hello, that's what the boosters are for!
With the booster you'll be less infectious than the unvaccinated. By how much we don't know as there aren't any studies, but we predict by ALOT!
Well, as it turns out the latest strain has shown even with the booster, you're just as infectious. However, with the new booster...
In the meantime, here's a pizza party photo, enjoy!
Safe and Effective ™
And all eating slices of pizza. Hmm.