This vaccine... It just isn't cricket, is it? Or hockey, or football, or soccer... HERE COME THE DEATHS (see top comment for TOO MANY more)!
⚠️ Vax-tarded ☠️

I tried looking for all the publication dates. Long story short some dates are missing but most stories occurred between August this year and now.
HERE ARE A FEW WITH DATES... October 10, 2021 - Sonoma County, CA, - HEALTHY 15-year old boy DIES TWO days AFTER 2nd COVID-19 VAX. The cause of death was listed as: “STRESS CARDIOMYOPATHY WITH PERIVASCULAR CORONARY ARTERY INFLAMMATION (hours to days), due to, UNKNOWN ETIOLOGY IN SETTING of recent PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINATION (days).” The VAERS report on this young man only lists the date of the 1st VAX but NOT THE 2ND. Sonoma County's COVID DASHBOARD showing ZERO pediatric Covid deaths. 58% OF TEENS 12-15 are FULLY VACCINATED. THERE IS NO DASHBOARD IN SONOMA COUNTY SHOWING ADVERSE COVID VACCINE REACTIONS. https://sharylattkisson.com/2021/10/healthy-15-year-old-dies-reportedly-two-days-after-covid-19-vaccine/ https://republicandaily.com/2021/10/exclusive-in-ca-otherwise-healthy-15-year-old-dies-two-days-after-second-pfizer-shot/
June 13, 2021 - Jacob Clynick, 13, of Michigan, DIES IN SLEEP just 3 days after receiving his 2nd Pfizer COVID- jab. This otherwise HEALTHY TEEN was part of the Pfizer “trials” for teens 12 to 16. No cause of death was listed on the teen’s death certificate. Randy Pfau, of the Michigan Institute of Forensic Science and Medicine, said the investigation could take as long as up to five months to complete. The boy’s death was reported to the CDC. In the October 2021 issue of the peer-reviewed science journal Toxicology Reports, scientists write in the study ““Why are we vaccinating children against COVID-19?”: “ the clinical trials did not address long-term effects that, if serious, would be borne by children/adolescents for potentially decades.” The average time for bringing any new drug or vaccine to general use is 10 years. Normal animal trials, before any injection into a human, are three to six years. Business Insider: “How long it took to develop 12 other vaccines in history.” https://coronanews123.wordpress.com/2021/10/31/healthy-boy-13-dies-suddenly-in-his-sleep-three-days-after-getting-second-dose-of-pfizer-vaccine/
In May, 2021, British Model Stephanie Dubois, 39, dies OF BLOOD CLOTS IN THE BRAIN after receiving the COVID VAX in Cyprus: Stephanie suffered a "serious thrombotic episode," just days after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine. Dubois, who was just 39, received her COVID-VAX on May 6th in the town of Paphos. THEN 8 DAYS LATER, she was taken to the country's main state hospital in Nicosia after having problems with her breathing and nervous system. Dubois posted on Facebook: “So I had the vaccination today! I hate needles, today was no exception . . . And now I feel horrendous…. “ 8 DAYS LATER SHE WROTE: “Woke up feeling fine and then within an hour I had full body shakes, all my joints seized and I was struggling to breathe and was cold to the bone with a persistent headache and dizziness. Mum and dad came to look after me and took me for a Covid test, which thankfully was negative . . . but it still doesn’t explain what the problem is. Maybe I’m having a prolonged reaction to my Covid jab last week.” By May 19 she had slipped into a coma & died. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/worldnews/15059326/model-dies-after-oxford-vaccine/
ALSO IN MAY, 2021, Lisa Shaw, 44, who worked for BBC Radio Newcastle, England DIED OF BLOOD CLOTS IN THE BRAIN after developing headaches ONE week after getting her first dose of the AstraZeneca VAX. Newcastle coroner Karen Dilks heard Ms. Shaw suffered blood clots in the brain which ultimately led to her death.
March 3, 2021 – (Virginia, USA – VAERS I.D. # 1074247) TWO-YEAR-OLD BABY girl DIES the WEEK AFTER 2nd shot in COVID Pfizer TRIALS, no cause given, CDC pulls report.
“Pfizer and Moderna are going through clinical trials for their mRNA shots ON MORE THAN 10,000 CHILDREN AS YOUNG AS SIX MONTHS OLD. The trials of these vaccines started in mid-March. Moderna refers to its study as KidCOVE. The children are also being used as guinea pig by Johnson and Johnson and AstraZeneca. https://coronanews123.wordpress.com/2021/06/23/two-year-old-baby-dies-week-after-2nd-shot-in-covid-pfizer-trials-no-cause-given-cdc-pulls-report/