The man with a beehive on his head and bees on his chest on the bottom are what this reminds me of.
There's some pretty significant meaning behind this piece. This video @ 49:30 goes into it in great detail on this specific artwork, the whole video is long but the information is intense if you can follow it from beginning to end.
I would be very wary of anyone boasting they are part of the hive mind or identifies as bug-anything.
This made me think of artwork at the Vatican and Revelation 9 from the Bible that discusses locust coming out of the bottomless pit.
Check these out:
The man with a beehive on his head and bees on his chest on the bottom are what this reminds me of.
There's some pretty significant meaning behind this piece. This video @ 49:30 goes into it in great detail on this specific artwork, the whole video is long but the information is intense if you can follow it from beginning to end.
I would be very wary of anyone boasting they are part of the hive mind or identifies as bug-anything.