Our bodies are temples. Each individual has an affirmative responsibility to make sure that they know what is going into their body and that it is safe, taking into consideration the potential long term effects. Due to censorship and deception about the "vaccine", I am prevented from adequately evaluating the proposed treatment to a standard of informed consent. This creates an affirmative responsibility for me to refuse.
God's plan is free will and choice, and the Dark Lord's plan is force. And the Dark Lord makes heavy use of deception. The current public environment behind and surrounding the "vaccine" carries the likeness of a religion, makes heavy use of deception and trickery, demands conformity through force and coercion, and seems to use "vaccination" to symbolize joining this new woke religion. Regardless of whether it is the Dark Lord's new religion, the likeness creates an affirmative responsibility for me to refuse.
The HR rep looked quite pleased and said that most applications require further processing before a decision can be made, but based on my objection the accommodation could be approved immediately.
Please share! I'm not on social media and I post nowhere else!
That is so different. Good for you.
Well reasoned, and well worded. Good job!
Added to my file of useful clippings.
Exactly the content I used.
That is good. I have "borrowed" it. Just in case.
Thank you
Way to go, your conviction is apparent in your letter.