No. He laments murdering his brother to maintain money and power, he laments losing the love of his life bc he pursued power from crime over love, his daughter is murdered in front of him on the steps of the opera at the end of the movie. Watch it again. The last scene of the movie is Al Pacino screaming and crying over his daughters dead body, then it shows him in the future old, alone and pathetic when he dies.
This seals it. My next personal project after my Twin Peaks and ancillary media deep dive concludes is a back to back to back of Snow White, GF3 and Speed. All three I've seen before but not with Senses Awakened.
I also never saw it and my quick look showed that it involves the P2 ( Propaganda Due) masonic lodge and their Vatican banking/murder scandals. I jumped down the P2 hole years back, but just got back into taking another look after the news and photos of Nancy Pelosi with the antipope. She and her family are absolutely the proginy of P2.
What's the Godfather 3 mean? I barely remember that film.
Godfather 3 is about the mob using the Vatican Bank and fake charities to hide and move money made through illegal activities.
edit: It's also about the end of the Corlion family. Their criminal lifestyle cost them everything.
What no they don't...michael wins. And sonnys son rules the old empire
No. He laments murdering his brother to maintain money and power, he laments losing the love of his life bc he pursued power from crime over love, his daughter is murdered in front of him on the steps of the opera at the end of the movie. Watch it again. The last scene of the movie is Al Pacino screaming and crying over his daughters dead body, then it shows him in the future old, alone and pathetic when he dies.
This seals it. My next personal project after my Twin Peaks and ancillary media deep dive concludes is a back to back to back of Snow White, GF3 and Speed. All three I've seen before but not with Senses Awakened.
Thanks for your contributions to the thread. 👍
Everyone is pathetic in their 80s. They still used that money and power. He just lost his sucky daughter not everything
Lol I was thinking the same thing🐸
Same. Maybe someone can enlighten us. In the meantime I'm going to check IMDB for synopsis.
Ok so I looked at the IMDb site and GF 3 involved an older and mostly legit Michael Corleone and his business dealings with the Vatican.
I also never saw it and my quick look showed that it involves the P2 ( Propaganda Due) masonic lodge and their Vatican banking/murder scandals. I jumped down the P2 hole years back, but just got back into taking another look after the news and photos of Nancy Pelosi with the antipope. She and her family are absolutely the proginy of P2.
Something to do with the Vatican and the Pope I assume.