Well it never was to begin with, but anyway, seeing WAY too much Doom fagging on here and it's time to stop it completely. I understand if you are frustrated and if you feel the need to vent your personal frustrations in seek of support, that's fine.
But to go all "Patriots not in control, they can stop what's coming" and so forth. No. Zero tolerance. This isn't to say you can't have a dissenting opinion, however a dissenting opinion is articulated with the intention of offering a new perspective and enriching the discussion. Saying "there is no plan, there is no Q, Q failed us" is not a dissenting opinion it's dooming and again it will not be tolerated. Have I repeated myself? Yes. Because it's clear a lot of you aren't getting the message. There is a reason I started calling you faggots out by being more cynical and sarcastic (though I was a little TOO good cause I got myself slapped with a five day ban. Lol). Your behavior is that of a child throwing a fit and not an enlightened individual.
It's getting to a point where Devolution is going to have to be required reading to post here. Way too many of you are not informed on things and are complaining based off nonsense you watch in the media. This is what? The 10th trillion dollar, country collapsing spending bill? Oh they put a bunch of bullshit in there to try and steal the elections? You make it sound like this bill is gonna magically allow them to get away with their crimes all of which have already been documented. You make it sound like stopping the bill was going to stop them from cheating. You basically, dare I say, doom over emotional supposition and do not analyze the situation logically. Laws can be challenged and overturned. Some of them pretty quickly and easily.
If you want to understand why losing the Fed is necessary, James Corbett does a deep dive into how the dollar is actually the modern day slave chains:
Too many of you have forgotten what it means to be American. You are not free because the government grants you permission. I am free because I choose to be free every day. I am free because I have guns and the means to prevent anyone from exerting dominion on me or my family. The government can pass all the laws it wants to to enrich itself and give itself all the power it so desires. It means nothing if we don't comply. And that's ultimately what this all comes down to: compliance. The Federal Government does not have the power it thinks it has. But you certainly validate it with your dooming. I have said this before and I will say it again, if you aren't happy with the results, get off your lazy, whiny ass and do something about it. Get involved in local politics. Get on your kid's school boards. The energy you waste dooming on this site can be channeled to better and productive things. Also, we aren't playing nice anymore. Dooming is over. The signs are very clear that Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming. Don't agree? Get out.
The plan is in action right now and it has been for years at least. We have no idea what the alternative possibilities would have been but we have a pretty good idea that the 16 year commie plan ended with 7.5 billion dead. If thats the case then what metric do the good guys use as the definition of success? If a few million die and the world over all is saved is that still considered a win? I think it has to be. The kind of decisions that have been made and the weight that would come with them are something we cannot fathom sitting comfortably in our homes. I hope no one dies form the vax or anything else but i think these are the times that try mens souls and serious men are making serious decisions and we have to trust they are doing the best they can.
thats what i keep saying. the amount of people who have and will die from these vaccines is a drop in the ocean compared to WW3 nukes Hilary had planned for us. This is the path of least casualties, but it is still a war.
People here are too comfortable because they dont see physical bullets flying. But we're still at war and in war there are casualties.
Devolution clearly spells out that they are going for the least amount of casualties. O believe the standard is no deaths and then working from there. Unfortunately, while a good goal to strive for, it's not realistic.
Basically you are correct. They are trying to facilitate the least amount of damage.
You should see some of the comments I deported this morning alone. People do come here because they aren't informed.
Devolution theory currently does not cover a lot of vax related happenings. The best I can tell you is people should not vaccinate their kids and those who do made their decision for their family for their reasons.
The precipice can be any number of things. A lot of us feel we are there because we can see how things can get worse and worse and worse and would rather avoid it. I think it has to do with ensuring enough public support is in place should they need to drop the curtain on Devolution. What I think is they want things to get so bad that a red tsunami hits in 2022, they can remove the Pedo and the whore after electing Trump as Speaker and then we can get 6 unobstructed years to scale everything back and set things right.
But I honestly don't know. I only know that I am a free American. I have lived free. I will die free. I can control the things I can and I can prepare for the absolute worst. I don't need Taco Bell to support my food needs nor do I need cheap Chinese garbage to be happy.
My own opinion is the vax is a precipice issue and personally me and my family won’t go near it. Both my OH and I have left jobs that mandated it. However I do believe that Pres Trump and team had an approach that people are free to to choose individually. I don’t think those around Pres Trump were honest or dealt in good faith with him. I think the attitude was It’s not up to government to compel or deny access. I do wonder if the info from BigDick Anon was possibly true in parts about there being something released that the DS was expecting to be vastly more dangerous but it was very much reduced in efficacy. I think part of the awakening is for people to take responsibility for being informed about their own health and treatments - we’ve become too reliant on “experts” and basically sleep walked into handing over our autonomy to these people who have now been shown clearly to be mendacious and untrustworthy along with the media who are totally malicious and dangerous to our lives. As for dooming I just don’t see the point. If you want to focus on negativity have at it, that’s up to each individual but I don’t think it helps GAW or those who are trying to research & learn with an open mind. There’s no need to be bitchy and whiny, if you see shit you don’t like scroll on by. Why waste time on it? If you think stuff is wrong and have info that can correct things then contribute. Don’t knock folks who are genuinely trying to find things out, dissent is ok if it makes us think about things or broadens our knowledge base and perspective. But if you have no info to contribute just negative comments then folks like that are just wasting their time and energy. They’d probably be better served by taking some time away from this, it can get too frustrating and intense sometimes - it’s not nice at all to come to terms with the fact our reality has been a huge bloody fraud and evil has been running the show unencumbered by the law for all of our lives. we all need to ground ourselves in our real lives and families. Hopefully they will snap out of it if they recharge their batteries away from here.
Exactly. America was founded on the value of personal responsibility and hard work. That includes being responsible for what you put in your body. People chose to surrender their due diligence to the "experts" and will pay the price.
It sucks, but at the same time, this is what happens when you allow evil to permeate as much as we have...
We are in war. People need to be smart enough to stop doing stupid shit. Tjey won't be hand held by brighter people who see what is happening. If you are so unprepared to think and your kids get the Vax it's on you. The issue is most people quit being responsible for themselves. Also, most of the narrative is fear factor shit that never happens.
All are without excuse. Personal responsibility, those who practiced it are doing well.
Well maybe we're losing...why do people keep invoking "war" as if that means "that thing where we are the good guys and that good guys always win?" This is war means any second everything can go bad and worse until we are surrounded and exterminated
Logically explain how they will "surround and exterminate" 100+ million people.
Most people can't speak in their home without it being recorded and relayed via modem and cable box microphones and then in public they are continually monitored in real time with facial recognition scans. There are not 100 million fighting patriots, there's like 200,000 and they are scattered and incapable of communicating except on monitored channels and are incapable of meeting except among rats and narcs. Plus every normy is Agent Smith