Well it never was to begin with, but anyway, seeing WAY too much Doom fagging on here and it's time to stop it completely. I understand if you are frustrated and if you feel the need to vent your personal frustrations in seek of support, that's fine.
But to go all "Patriots not in control, they can stop what's coming" and so forth. No. Zero tolerance. This isn't to say you can't have a dissenting opinion, however a dissenting opinion is articulated with the intention of offering a new perspective and enriching the discussion. Saying "there is no plan, there is no Q, Q failed us" is not a dissenting opinion it's dooming and again it will not be tolerated. Have I repeated myself? Yes. Because it's clear a lot of you aren't getting the message. There is a reason I started calling you faggots out by being more cynical and sarcastic (though I was a little TOO good cause I got myself slapped with a five day ban. Lol). Your behavior is that of a child throwing a fit and not an enlightened individual.
It's getting to a point where Devolution is going to have to be required reading to post here. Way too many of you are not informed on things and are complaining based off nonsense you watch in the media. This is what? The 10th trillion dollar, country collapsing spending bill? Oh they put a bunch of bullshit in there to try and steal the elections? You make it sound like this bill is gonna magically allow them to get away with their crimes all of which have already been documented. You make it sound like stopping the bill was going to stop them from cheating. You basically, dare I say, doom over emotional supposition and do not analyze the situation logically. Laws can be challenged and overturned. Some of them pretty quickly and easily.
If you want to understand why losing the Fed is necessary, James Corbett does a deep dive into how the dollar is actually the modern day slave chains:
Too many of you have forgotten what it means to be American. You are not free because the government grants you permission. I am free because I choose to be free every day. I am free because I have guns and the means to prevent anyone from exerting dominion on me or my family. The government can pass all the laws it wants to to enrich itself and give itself all the power it so desires. It means nothing if we don't comply. And that's ultimately what this all comes down to: compliance. The Federal Government does not have the power it thinks it has. But you certainly validate it with your dooming. I have said this before and I will say it again, if you aren't happy with the results, get off your lazy, whiny ass and do something about it. Get involved in local politics. Get on your kid's school boards. The energy you waste dooming on this site can be channeled to better and productive things. Also, we aren't playing nice anymore. Dooming is over. The signs are very clear that Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming. Don't agree? Get out.
This is a good post, because it is bad for the community. I was dooming pretty bad for a week or two, and made it clear here. The mods banned me for three days. It was good that they did that and I thanked them. I know it’s bad for the community. But when I came back, I was in a much better headspace. Sometimes it takes being banned, to wake yourself up. Maybe those that doom here - need to be reminded by being banned, because that is the rules, and they can come back stronger like me. It is a long fight, some of us to grow weary, but Jesus Christ is by my side and I’m going to continue to trust in him. Whatever happens with Q, I know for certain that Jesus Christ will return, and the evil people on this planet will be held accountable.
There's nothing productive. I'm not going to deport someone venting frustrations, but when they turn on Trump and Q that is unacceptable. While I do not trust Trump or Q implicitly as no one should anyway, they aren't the cause of any of this. The evil assholes trying to further enslave us are to blame. People need to reorient their priorities, wake up to the fact that they are slaves on a slave system and start breaking their chains.
They can only take from you what you give them.
So well written, we all need to step away from here sometimes, everyone needs respite in a battle at times pede
You think it's a good thing you got banned for your opinion? Are we leftists now?
No - I WAS REALLY BAD - but I do think it’s bad for the community. I needed a few days to calm down, and come back with more positive comments. No I’m not a leftist, it was just a personal experience that I had. I am grateful for the time that I had a way to reevaluate what it was that I was thinking and what I wanted out of this community.
Dude, reread your comment carefully - it literally sounds like you've been 're-educated'
What the fuck? You do realize that this is their official reasoning for banning people from mainstream social media right? That banning them will make them reevaluate their position and come back toeing the line?
This forum has specific rules. When you sign up for that, you agreed to specific rules. I broke the rules. Period. If I didn’t agree with the rules, that I shouldn’t be here. No I wasn’t re-educated. It gave me an opportunity to think about a lot of things going on in my life. And I was feeling very dark and very doom. Wasn’t good for me and it wasn’t good for the community. I still stand on what I said. I don’t care what you think, I’m not here to agree with everybody, and I’m not here to kowtow to what you want me to say. Factor the matter is there’s rules here and I broke them. How can I be angry or upset with a mod when they banned me for breaking the rules when I know what they are in advance.