posted ago by purkiss80 ago by purkiss80 +66 / -0


Do you realize how many tens of millions of people are following the Free Brittany movement and are awake to the fact that something horribly wrong is happening to Brittany Spears?

Did you know that this same audience is awake to what MK Ultra is thanks to the incredibly popular Netflix series Stranger Things?

Is Liz on to something?

How has the deep state asserted control over the masses of sheep throughout the last century?

Through the stars of Hollywood.

What if those stars are controlled through means such as MK Ultra, blackmail, financial slavery, involuntary servitude, sex trafficking, drug addiction?

How do we as patriots recapture the attention of the sheep?

Through politics?

Did you notice how the documentary connected the dots beginning with the story of Brittany’s enslavement to Hollywood corruption to labour abuse to human trafficking abuse to Hollywood “handlers” to media empire billionaires to Kamala Harris to the highest political powers in the world?

This documentary paints the picture of how deep this interconnected web of handlers, lawyers, politicians and paedophiles is. It tied mainstream Hollywood to human trafficking.

This is going to inspire the rank and file “free Brittany” fans to dig deeper. All it takes is one major influencer pushing this out for it to go viral.

This documentary paints the picture of how MK ultra and the Mossad/CIA uses/abuses Hollywood stars in an effort to generate cash and influence sheep.

Many of the stars are complicit. Some are not.

How do we wake up the sheep? Liz Crokin, Mike Smith (out of shadows), and others are giving us the playbook.

Watch slaveprincess. Ask others to watch it.
