History shows that children were sacrificed to appease the gods...fear-based behavior executed by adults, so this isn't anything new, though it's certainly being done on a massive scale.
The most disgusting display of this are the virtue signaling mothers who can't wait until their toddlers are old enough for the poison. When I was raising my children, I considered keeping them safe as my Prime Directive. I swear, some of these women wouldn't mind if their little ones are killed by the shot, because then they'd 1) receive a lot of attention, 2) become righteous in their own minds, 3) urge others to do the same. All the ones I've seen advocating for shots for children have crazy eyes.
Yes! That's how sick some of those parents are! The would gladly go before national TV cameras to state, "Although I am heartbroken over my child's death, I am glad he/she was able to get the "vaccination", and I hope others will continue to have their children "vaccinated". " With no mention of the extremely, almost zero risk, of covid for children.
History shows that children were sacrificed to appease the gods...fear-based behavior executed by adults, so this isn't anything new, though it's certainly being done on a massive scale.
The most disgusting display of this are the virtue signaling mothers who can't wait until their toddlers are old enough for the poison. When I was raising my children, I considered keeping them safe as my Prime Directive. I swear, some of these women wouldn't mind if their little ones are killed by the shot, because then they'd 1) receive a lot of attention, 2) become righteous in their own minds, 3) urge others to do the same. All the ones I've seen advocating for shots for children have crazy eyes.
Yes! That's how sick some of those parents are! The would gladly go before national TV cameras to state, "Although I am heartbroken over my child's death, I am glad he/she was able to get the "vaccination", and I hope others will continue to have their children "vaccinated". " With no mention of the extremely, almost zero risk, of covid for children.
That one smacks you in the face. Nice.
I believe that when children start dying from the covid shots, THAT will be the beginning of the end, if not the end, of the plandemic.
It's not "new"
Check out the Children's Crusade.
Not new you say? well that can mean only one thing...
I disagree (on a technicality) - these people are NOT human.