Not just Wall St hedge funds… they have now learned the media (at least relating to financial) is completely corrupted, as is a gov agency (SEC). It’s been fun watching the slow, but steady awakening on Superstonk this year.
Haha this is my biggest point of contention over there too. Seriously, sooo many posts about the media can't be trusted, hundreds of fake articles, news stories called out but then anything outside of gme they believe.
The response to MGGA was pretty surprising though, some are waking up....slowly.
In reality the news isn’t one big conglomerate but individual people who are lost in a sea of trying to make a job for themselves. Production companies are funded by investors if publicly traded or individuals who are just wealthy and have opinions they must align with and sell to the public.
The problem with having billions of people versus the 19th century of millions is that it distills and amplifies public depravity.
Have we found solutions for those sick? Psychologically affected? The number is growing with the masses.
Look at medicine. It’s a continuation of what Florence Nightingale was trying to achieve, helping soldiers avoid infectious disease in wartime.
Her pie charts, as she studied mathematics in Alexandra, Egypt showed MDs that soldiers who had surgery when hand washing wasn’t available because of poor water supply or dirty water supply died and those with clean water and clean hands had lower rates of infection.
Alexander Fleming played with mold and found mold evolved over a billion years to eradicate microbes which competed for food sources in soil. A cure!
Now those same microbes got smart and took their billion years of evolution to fight back. MRSA and others are a leading cause of iatrogenic hospital disease and hospitals need to close before it gets worse. There is a resistant form of TB now, HIV even and we have monkey brains who didn’t devise penicillin’s action in the first place. We count on luck.
In a way, letting the pandemic or any infectious disease run its course will lower incidences of mutated and enhanced species if the weak and old didn’t incubate them. We are way ahead of ourselves thinking we can stop it.
The panic and desperation by hedge funds and their media puppets shows that they know they’re screwed.
A couple days ago I read a comment on SS about how the whole financial media attacks GME, and tries to convince people to sell their shares, and the person (correctly) said it seems like an organized agenda…. I wanted to point out that it’s the same thing the media has done against Trump since ‘16.
Not just Wall St hedge funds… they have now learned the media (at least relating to financial) is completely corrupted, as is a gov agency (SEC). It’s been fun watching the slow, but steady awakening on Superstonk this year.
Haha this is my biggest point of contention over there too. Seriously, sooo many posts about the media can't be trusted, hundreds of fake articles, news stories called out but then anything outside of gme they believe. The response to MGGA was pretty surprising though, some are waking up....slowly.
In reality the news isn’t one big conglomerate but individual people who are lost in a sea of trying to make a job for themselves. Production companies are funded by investors if publicly traded or individuals who are just wealthy and have opinions they must align with and sell to the public.
The problem with having billions of people versus the 19th century of millions is that it distills and amplifies public depravity.
Have we found solutions for those sick? Psychologically affected? The number is growing with the masses.
Look at medicine. It’s a continuation of what Florence Nightingale was trying to achieve, helping soldiers avoid infectious disease in wartime.
Her pie charts, as she studied mathematics in Alexandra, Egypt showed MDs that soldiers who had surgery when hand washing wasn’t available because of poor water supply or dirty water supply died and those with clean water and clean hands had lower rates of infection.
Alexander Fleming played with mold and found mold evolved over a billion years to eradicate microbes which competed for food sources in soil. A cure!
Now those same microbes got smart and took their billion years of evolution to fight back. MRSA and others are a leading cause of iatrogenic hospital disease and hospitals need to close before it gets worse. There is a resistant form of TB now, HIV even and we have monkey brains who didn’t devise penicillin’s action in the first place. We count on luck.
In a way, letting the pandemic or any infectious disease run its course will lower incidences of mutated and enhanced species if the weak and old didn’t incubate them. We are way ahead of ourselves thinking we can stop it.
We didn’t create the system, God almighty did.
I wonder if Fauci had anything to do with MRSA.
The panic and desperation by hedge funds and their media puppets shows that they know they’re screwed.
A couple days ago I read a comment on SS about how the whole financial media attacks GME, and tries to convince people to sell their shares, and the person (correctly) said it seems like an organized agenda…. I wanted to point out that it’s the same thing the media has done against Trump since ‘16.
That’s the way to do it. Keep it up, they’re getting closer to the lightbulb in the brain clicking on.