True dat. But I think execution is way too easy in many cases. I'd be all for anchoring an old battleship about 200 miles offshore, ringed with mines. Drop people like Fauci on by helicopter with some fishing line and a hook. Nothing else. What nature does and when is up to nature. Put one Coast Guard ship out to guard it a mile away and make sure nobody tries a rescue. Bon Voyage.
We're in a feminized society, technological gossiping is all we get.
No testosterone, no action.
True dat. But I think execution is way too easy in many cases. I'd be all for anchoring an old battleship about 200 miles offshore, ringed with mines. Drop people like Fauci on by helicopter with some fishing line and a hook. Nothing else. What nature does and when is up to nature. Put one Coast Guard ship out to guard it a mile away and make sure nobody tries a rescue. Bon Voyage.
I think LETHAL INJECTION is more appropriate
too quick. give him a booster every day?