But we Christians aim to be like our maker. We aim to have His forgiveness and mercy. It’s difficult for us as servants to our almighty Father in Heaven. But we should try. Our Father ask for such. I’d shake that man hands if his truth releases Kyle from this hell. And would stand beside him while he is served his sentence from the judge.
I think better to leave it to their maker to forgive.
But we Christians aim to be like our maker. We aim to have His forgiveness and mercy. It’s difficult for us as servants to our almighty Father in Heaven. But we should try. Our Father ask for such. I’d shake that man hands if his truth releases Kyle from this hell. And would stand beside him while he is served his sentence from the judge.
A word of advice...When you shake his hand, be gentle so his arm doesn't fall off from where Kyle blew it damn near in half.
(it is good seeing the guy tell the truth)
top kek
If we sinners can forgive a man, then imagine what our Lord and Savior can do!