In 1815, Rothschilds were trying to create their World Government in the Congress of Vienna using the debt of Europe as leverage. It failed due to Tsar Alexander I because he saw through their machinations. In a fit of anger, Nathan Mayer Rothschild vowed that one day either he, or his descendants, would destroy the Tsar’s whole family or their descendants.
It took them 102 years to fulfil this revenge. In the process they created the Federal Reserve, uses that to kickstart the Great War, and by the end of the war, the conditions were finally perfect to push through the Bolshevik Revolution, and even after the Tsar surrendered, they made sure to butcher him and his family, unarmed. In the process and eventually more than 150 million people died in Soviet Russia.
What they have done since then is far more insiduous, because they have created enemies out of fathers and sons, neighbours, husbands and wives and fellow humans, and allowed them to do their dirty job. They have subverted an entire planet into genocidal maniacs. They have indoctrinated doctors, medical workers, journalists, teachers - every single pillar of society - into wittingly or unwittingly sending people who look up to them to their enslavement and death.
If you think this Evil can be defeated without any kids or any people who had their livelihood threatened put in the harms way, you are just dreaming. You truly do not understand what it is we are fighting, and why.
Thanks for the history lesson, it appears that you have been awake to their operations for some time now, and therefore I assume that you have have much insight into how the cabal operates and how they reveal their plans to us along the way, did you miss all the revealings of DJT being their inside man, never mind his many hidden in plain sight messages too.... (I mean even the Simpsons predicted this for us) and you honestly still believe that there is a plan in motion and that someone is going to save us, then I am afraid that you have missed something along the way.... Its quite fitting that you mentioned the Bolshevik revolution as that leads me directly into the next point, there was a plan to save them too - in fact a High ranking Military officer, possibly a General (i dont recall the name) held off on military operations that could have changed the outcome of that situation, however due to that very same plan he believed was going to come and save them he did not act and we know the rest of the story. Turns out it was called Operation Trust and its entire purpose was to confuse and subdue anyone who might have acted in their time of need, and it appears to me history is about to repeat itself.
The election was clearly stolen from DJT, he had everything in place to stop it, it didnt happen, and now he is the biggest Vaccine cheerleader of them all, in fact he calls himself the father of the vaccine (which took 9 months to develop) - if you dont see the satanic symbolism (their normal run of the mill type of comms) in that well then, i dont know what to say - its all part of the show, that we are watching, and yes it is a movie, but unfortunately the directors are not who we believe them to be. heck DJT even enacted Executive order 1388 in Sep of 2019, what more evidence do we need here ?
You believe one military operation by one General could have derailed the Globalists plan that had been put in place for 100 years and had even fooled the American President into handing over the right to print currency, and had fooled all the leaders of Europe into destroying each other in a Great War. Damn, this General must have been one heck of a messiah.
And you believe this baloney story was not propagated by the same Cabal as a way to rub salt into the wounds. "Hehe, we destroyed your country, but damn, if only you guys did not trust each other so much, you would most definitely have stopped us!"
And now you think, because of this, The Plan which has been in motion atleast for 20 years but parts for more than 60 years, mostly by people bitter about seeing their Presiden'ts head blown off with impunity - was all a smoke screen so in the very last minute Trump could come and convince all of us to take the vaccines.
And the best explanation for Trump "pushing" vaccines is that he is openly playing his hand in plainsight and the century old Cabal plan does not picture into this at all.
Okay, fine, lets assume all this is true. My question is - What the heck are you doing here then? I think you will find your fellow doomers right across the street at
The goal of operation trust was to stop any and all action, that General was just one example for context, who knows how many non documented examples there are.
Then I dont get the 'doomer go away attitude' on this board, we are here to find the TRUTH not to tell anyone to go away who does not agree with you, this is how the world got into this mess in the first place, all the 'normies' telling 'conspiracy theorists' to go away for years, actually for decades.
The discussions need to be had but are taboo on this site - its is extremely ironic, you can even get banned for discussing it, talk about an oxymoron - its wild.
Why cant we just have the discussion, its seems like a serious hurting point to the point of cognitive dissonance and stockholm syndrome, lets discuss and put our arguments on the table and take it from there, perhaps im wrong, a healthy discussion could point this out, but the discussion is not allowed.
I also had hope, but when things like vaccine mandates came out, it started to fade away. Then I started thinking about it a little bit more, I mean even Assange was not pardoned - everyone could have accepted that and no one needed to be 'primed' for that event to take place. Pardoned for exposing gov crimes is 1 thing everyone can get behind.
My point is, Q got everyone to wake up (so they say), and I will have to agree on that - to do your own research and unpack everything, look for patterns, research and ask questions, so why are some questions not allowed by that very same group, its a regression in thinking and goes against everything that Q 'stood' for
In 1815, Rothschilds were trying to create their World Government in the Congress of Vienna using the debt of Europe as leverage. It failed due to Tsar Alexander I because he saw through their machinations. In a fit of anger, Nathan Mayer Rothschild vowed that one day either he, or his descendants, would destroy the Tsar’s whole family or their descendants.
It took them 102 years to fulfil this revenge. In the process they created the Federal Reserve, uses that to kickstart the Great War, and by the end of the war, the conditions were finally perfect to push through the Bolshevik Revolution, and even after the Tsar surrendered, they made sure to butcher him and his family, unarmed. In the process and eventually more than 150 million people died in Soviet Russia.
What they have done since then is far more insiduous, because they have created enemies out of fathers and sons, neighbours, husbands and wives and fellow humans, and allowed them to do their dirty job. They have subverted an entire planet into genocidal maniacs. They have indoctrinated doctors, medical workers, journalists, teachers - every single pillar of society - into wittingly or unwittingly sending people who look up to them to their enslavement and death.
If you think this Evil can be defeated without any kids or any people who had their livelihood threatened put in the harms way, you are just dreaming. You truly do not understand what it is we are fighting, and why.
Thanks for the history lesson, it appears that you have been awake to their operations for some time now, and therefore I assume that you have have much insight into how the cabal operates and how they reveal their plans to us along the way, did you miss all the revealings of DJT being their inside man, never mind his many hidden in plain sight messages too.... (I mean even the Simpsons predicted this for us) and you honestly still believe that there is a plan in motion and that someone is going to save us, then I am afraid that you have missed something along the way.... Its quite fitting that you mentioned the Bolshevik revolution as that leads me directly into the next point, there was a plan to save them too - in fact a High ranking Military officer, possibly a General (i dont recall the name) held off on military operations that could have changed the outcome of that situation, however due to that very same plan he believed was going to come and save them he did not act and we know the rest of the story. Turns out it was called Operation Trust and its entire purpose was to confuse and subdue anyone who might have acted in their time of need, and it appears to me history is about to repeat itself. The election was clearly stolen from DJT, he had everything in place to stop it, it didnt happen, and now he is the biggest Vaccine cheerleader of them all, in fact he calls himself the father of the vaccine (which took 9 months to develop) - if you dont see the satanic symbolism (their normal run of the mill type of comms) in that well then, i dont know what to say - its all part of the show, that we are watching, and yes it is a movie, but unfortunately the directors are not who we believe them to be. heck DJT even enacted Executive order 1388 in Sep of 2019, what more evidence do we need here ?
So let me understand this.
You believe one military operation by one General could have derailed the Globalists plan that had been put in place for 100 years and had even fooled the American President into handing over the right to print currency, and had fooled all the leaders of Europe into destroying each other in a Great War. Damn, this General must have been one heck of a messiah.
And you believe this baloney story was not propagated by the same Cabal as a way to rub salt into the wounds. "Hehe, we destroyed your country, but damn, if only you guys did not trust each other so much, you would most definitely have stopped us!"
And now you think, because of this, The Plan which has been in motion atleast for 20 years but parts for more than 60 years, mostly by people bitter about seeing their Presiden'ts head blown off with impunity - was all a smoke screen so in the very last minute Trump could come and convince all of us to take the vaccines.
And the best explanation for Trump "pushing" vaccines is that he is openly playing his hand in plainsight and the century old Cabal plan does not picture into this at all.
Okay, fine, lets assume all this is true. My question is - What the heck are you doing here then? I think you will find your fellow doomers right across the street at
The goal of operation trust was to stop any and all action, that General was just one example for context, who knows how many non documented examples there are.
Then I dont get the 'doomer go away attitude' on this board, we are here to find the TRUTH not to tell anyone to go away who does not agree with you, this is how the world got into this mess in the first place, all the 'normies' telling 'conspiracy theorists' to go away for years, actually for decades.
The discussions need to be had but are taboo on this site - its is extremely ironic, you can even get banned for discussing it, talk about an oxymoron - its wild.
Why cant we just have the discussion, its seems like a serious hurting point to the point of cognitive dissonance and stockholm syndrome, lets discuss and put our arguments on the table and take it from there, perhaps im wrong, a healthy discussion could point this out, but the discussion is not allowed.
I also had hope, but when things like vaccine mandates came out, it started to fade away. Then I started thinking about it a little bit more, I mean even Assange was not pardoned - everyone could have accepted that and no one needed to be 'primed' for that event to take place. Pardoned for exposing gov crimes is 1 thing everyone can get behind.
My point is, Q got everyone to wake up (so they say), and I will have to agree on that - to do your own research and unpack everything, look for patterns, research and ask questions, so why are some questions not allowed by that very same group, its a regression in thinking and goes against everything that Q 'stood' for