Lmao, You have exposed yourself as a fragile delusional sub-human who probably doesn’t even pay taxes or have a job but such is life for the basement dwelling neckbeard must be life denying to be such a waste of life to be so out of touch with reality.
lol, stay mad you little virgin one day you can be at the adult table but until then I think scooby doo is on in the other room run along and play now.
I’m not gonna argue with a neet incel living in his moms basement.
We are not cattle but you have exposed yourself as a faggot.
Lmao, You have exposed yourself as a fragile delusional sub-human who probably doesn’t even pay taxes or have a job but such is life for the basement dwelling neckbeard must be life denying to be such a waste of life to be so out of touch with reality.
Ok, faggot.
lol, stay mad you little virgin one day you can be at the adult table but until then I think scooby doo is on in the other room run along and play now.