Just think about it...What's the best way to Depopulate...? The Adults are not the priority...This has always been aimed at "Vaccinating" children from a young age... I mean how many stories have you heard of young kids having strokes and heart problems after being "vaxxed."..?? Suddenly we hear that its "normal" for kids to suffer from strokes..? First I've ever heard that...And the kids who aren't "vaccinated "are being forced to wear masks all day breathing in their own Co2 plus God knows what else...The next thing is to "vaccinate " 6 months upwards...!!AND this is ALL for their HEALTH and Wellbeing... I don't know about anybody else but that's fucking insane...
“The LORD will fight for you while you keep silent.” Exodus 14:14
I feel the same, emotionally… but also consider how it would be possible to inflict a sustainable awakening on at least 90% of the western population. If an awakening fails to truly wake enough people up the cabal will continually have opportunities to take back control. It is a hydra.
90% of people need to permanently hate and distrust an overpowered system/government. It takes the entire society to keep things in check in the future, and this mentality must last for at least 2 generations. It’s fucked up but this damage has to be biblical if it’s gonna have a lasting and meaningful impact.
I don’t think the Q team is going to pull any plugs until the people take back control of the country. I think the Q team will only keep things from going nuclear (ex: a legit plague, war.)
These vaccines are bio weapons but it seems like they’re limited to severely damaging around maybe 5% of people. Not sure if some are saline or what. I suspect the cabal plan was massive population reduction rather than roughly 5-10%. Again, what’s happening now is horrifying but from an unemotional standpoint it is a plausible whitehat plan. Just theory. I might be retarded though. It’s stressful not knowing.
Just 5%, huh? Yeah i dont think so. 5% off the rip maybe. I think long term 1-5 years will be horrendous.
True. I’m definitely not certain about 5%. I didn’t realize but I was thinking about right now, not the future.
It will definitely be slow. Too quick and even the dummies figure it out. Lie with statistics in the meantime (Bill Gates)