I mean there have been some pretty big coincidences. I still believe the plan was the great awakening, not a military sting. They do have advanced tech that is top secret though. You accept that this person has close ties to POTUS and POTUS would certainly know about the advanced tech. Im not claiming its a mystical oracle, im saying its a computer.
I mean there have been some pretty big coincidences. I still believe the plan was the great awakening, not a military sting. They do have advanced tech that is top secret though. You accept that this person has close ties to POTUS and POTUS would certainly know about the advanced tech. Im not claiming its a mystical oracle, im saying its a computer.
Again youre right that the publicly available tech isnt there but youre a fool if you think they arent hiding advanced tech from us.
You severely underestimate them. Im not saying politicians created or even operate this tech. But they do have geniuses and E.T. That do.