Many people who were at Travis Scott's Astroworld "concert" reported people randomly freaking out and going berserk. Many also just passed out or had seizures. This begs the question, what the fuck?
This is my theory based on what I currently know. The vaccines have been found to contain graphene oxide. When I first heard of this I was wondering why graphene oxide specifically? I had no clue.
After the concert I started to do some research into frequencies and graphene and found something that will blow your mind.
A study demonstrated how a graphene-based nanoelectromechanical periodic array (NEMPA) device is capable of tuning a large range of frequencies. "Graphene is a relatively elastic two-dimensional material with mechanical property similar to a thin film. Besides, the good conductivity of graphene makes it possible for applied electric field to stretch the graphene flake and modify its strain, changing its vibration frequency during this process. Therefore, the biggest advantage of graphene is that its resonant frequency could be electrically tuned."
What this means is that if you got the shot, you have graphene in your system. Therefore, when you're in range of this device your own frequency can be electrically tuned. The vaccinated at the concert were being electrically tuned to a very destructive and chaotic frequency.
It's important to note that not everybody was affected because not everyone there was vaccinated. The concert did "say" that everyone must show proof of vaccination but multiple reports claim that security did not even check cards or even bags. People just walked and ran through. Security there was an absolute joke and many of them were enjoying the concert, hitting on girls, and not doing their jobs.
One security guard's account:
Fear Frequency Noises: According to recent studies, your brain learns and expresses fear at a certain brainwave frequency, and changing the frequency can change the feeling. Researchers found that the brainwave frequency of fear is four cycles per second, or 4 hertz.
There is frequency around 19 Hz that can produce feelings of discomfort, dread and, yes, even fear. But the thing is, 19 Hz is below the threshold of human hearing, so these feelings are produced without anyone being able to hear the note.
These sounds were being played leading up to and during Travis Scott's performance; they often don't affect the singer or the band members because of heavy ear protection, they are behind the sound system (speakers).
This is big and shows us the real purpose behind the vaccines. Leave your thoughts below.
Yeah, I'm very confused. Either I've highly overestimated the mods intelligence, or they are testing us, or we are compromised. I don't get this.
Because this event is different than any other music event that has ever occured, and technology to suppress crowds is valuable to tyrants? You guys need to stop acting like this is pure distraction and not a valid conversation to have.
How about have it with someone who is actually there? Start there. Sometimes we make ourselves look so damn foolish by making everything a conspiracy. The whole broadcast/show was live, just like the audits were live footage.
I think it's whipping up engagement and morale (Q2329). My speculation is when MSM will be shut down and emergency broadcasted, there will be no news and the GAW folk will be major source of information for everyone else. Hence "you were chosen for a reason" (Q521) - to dissiminate the info.