This is stolen from whom? If so message mods so we can sticky that instead. Or are you just griefing... You may notice the "no fame fagging" section in the sidebar. Looking forward to your answer either way, mate.
Your sincere intentions and effort to be morally and socially correct are noted.
However, please be advised:
A meme is only ever born when it is "stolen". A meme not stolen is a meme not yet born into life.
You cannot steal what is offered freely. Thus, technically, you cannot 'steal' a meme. See 1. above.
Acquiring a meme and then posting it in the wilderness is more correctly understood as "birthing a meme". Thus, the creator and the conveyor work together to give life to a meme that may then be born and reborn and reborn, thus awakening the whole world. See 1. and 2. above.
Side note: There is a wire cross situation between @scorpiojade and @catsfive, due to misreading of text.
Cats read your comment as saying: "hey, what are you doing? Do you think its OK to steal this and post it to this forum without acknowledging the original creator?"
What you wrote (intended) was "Hey, this is cool. Is it OK if I take this and post it outwards? Don't want to assume; trying to be nice".
Evidence: Cats5: "are you just griefing?" = "are you aggrieved that I posted your meme without acknowledging you? If so, don't get hung up on not being acknowledged. We don't fame fag here". Ref: "fame fagging" - bandying around your own name and work in order to build up your name and reputation i.e. fame
I surmise Scorpio that you are a little new around here, or to the GA? That's super cool, because its newbies who are actually the lifeblood of what we do.
however, in this case, some wires have been crossed. FYI, Cats thought you were savvy, not a newbie, and came back at you in language you did not understand, not out of disrespect or in some attempt to give you a hard time, but rather from a misjudgment (with no fault) of your level of knowledge.
Hope this helps. Feel free to dispute anything I have put in you boys' mouths.
(Cat, have I not interpreted your words correctly?, Scorp, have I not understood your message and intent correctly? If not, then tear my comment to shreds!!! if so, then maybe work it out?)
wego, boys, wego.
PS. inasmuch as Jade may be a damsel, please take no offense at the "boys" moniker. No offense intended.
relax. A case of crossed wires. Cats did nothing wrong, and you really did nothing wrong. However, your newbiness was unrecognized, and then you misinterpreted Cats response/intention.
I recommend a chillax pill. You guys are def on the same team.
PS. Never really a great move to accuse or assume bad intent on the part of a mod. That's really not cool. Assume "misunderstanding" first. 8 out of 10 times, that's far more accurate.
I have literally no clue what's going on with you, this issue, the downvotes, nothing. I posted this, saw your comment, asked for clarification, took a nap, then come back to you freaking out like a chihuahua that's shit himself. There's no "head to head," here. Holy, man, dude.
This is stolen from whom? If so message mods so we can sticky that instead. Or are you just griefing... You may notice the "no fame fagging" section in the sidebar. Looking forward to your answer either way, mate.
Note to Scopio:
Your sincere intentions and effort to be morally and socially correct are noted.
However, please be advised:
A meme is only ever born when it is "stolen". A meme not stolen is a meme not yet born into life.
You cannot steal what is offered freely. Thus, technically, you cannot 'steal' a meme. See 1. above.
Acquiring a meme and then posting it in the wilderness is more correctly understood as "birthing a meme". Thus, the creator and the conveyor work together to give life to a meme that may then be born and reborn and reborn, thus awakening the whole world. See 1. and 2. above.
Side note: There is a wire cross situation between @scorpiojade and @catsfive, due to misreading of text.
Cats read your comment as saying: "hey, what are you doing? Do you think its OK to steal this and post it to this forum without acknowledging the original creator?"
What you wrote (intended) was "Hey, this is cool. Is it OK if I take this and post it outwards? Don't want to assume; trying to be nice".
Evidence: Cats5: "are you just griefing?" = "are you aggrieved that I posted your meme without acknowledging you? If so, don't get hung up on not being acknowledged. We don't fame fag here". Ref: "fame fagging" - bandying around your own name and work in order to build up your name and reputation i.e. fame
I surmise Scorpio that you are a little new around here, or to the GA? That's super cool, because its newbies who are actually the lifeblood of what we do.
however, in this case, some wires have been crossed. FYI, Cats thought you were savvy, not a newbie, and came back at you in language you did not understand, not out of disrespect or in some attempt to give you a hard time, but rather from a misjudgment (with no fault) of your level of knowledge.
Hope this helps. Feel free to dispute anything I have put in you boys' mouths.
(Cat, have I not interpreted your words correctly?, Scorp, have I not understood your message and intent correctly? If not, then tear my comment to shreds!!! if so, then maybe work it out?)
wego, boys, wego.
PS. inasmuch as Jade may be a damsel, please take no offense at the "boys" moniker. No offense intended.
Thank you for this, pede. I'm trying to mod in a tight place from this planet (I am in Egypt right now). Cheers.
Memes are created to share. It's the whole fucking point.
Take a step back, Jade.
relax. A case of crossed wires. Cats did nothing wrong, and you really did nothing wrong. However, your newbiness was unrecognized, and then you misinterpreted Cats response/intention.
I recommend a chillax pill. You guys are def on the same team.
PS. Never really a great move to accuse or assume bad intent on the part of a mod. That's really not cool. Assume "misunderstanding" first. 8 out of 10 times, that's far more accurate.
I have literally no clue what's going on with you, this issue, the downvotes, nothing. I posted this, saw your comment, asked for clarification, took a nap, then come back to you freaking out like a chihuahua that's shit himself. There's no "head to head," here. Holy, man, dude.
See you in a week.
See my clarification above, Cats. Newbie on board. No drama.