relax. A case of crossed wires. Cats did nothing wrong, and you really did nothing wrong. However, your newbiness was unrecognized, and then you misinterpreted Cats response/intention.
I recommend a chillax pill. You guys are def on the same team.
PS. Never really a great move to accuse or assume bad intent on the part of a mod. That's really not cool. Assume "misunderstanding" first. 8 out of 10 times, that's far more accurate.
Take a step back, Jade.
relax. A case of crossed wires. Cats did nothing wrong, and you really did nothing wrong. However, your newbiness was unrecognized, and then you misinterpreted Cats response/intention.
I recommend a chillax pill. You guys are def on the same team.
PS. Never really a great move to accuse or assume bad intent on the part of a mod. That's really not cool. Assume "misunderstanding" first. 8 out of 10 times, that's far more accurate.