From a relatives FB
Tamara So, just wondering, do you support Biden George? Like · Reply · 3h Active George Koons Tamara Timm he's kind of a dope. The thing is, nobody revered him, called him the Second Coming like the idiots did with Trump. We knew Joe wasn't going to be the best, and we didn't pretend he was going to be. So all the deflection to being a Biden supporter is just static noise.
3 Like · Reply · 2h · Edited
Well, he kinda was.
Things were really really good for everybody. So he made mean tweets. Who cares?
He did not have oral sex with an intern in the oval office. He didn't throw up on foreign visits. He didn't start a SINGLE WAR. Everything he did was to make our lives better.
He never once embarrassed me as an American. He was not lazy, he worked hard. He was the best President ever.
This. I'm not apologizing for liking the only president to work for me, not against me, in my lifetime.
The point was the mean tweets were on purpose - to trigger the DS and the mockingbird media, to expose what they were about. Who cares if he was mean! THEY were crazy mean from the second he announced he was running. Mad Maxine was screaming how they were going to impeach him before he was even campaigning yet. They colluded with the Russians and anybody else who’d work with them to defeat him and bring in their “closer”, HRC. They knew he was going to take them all down and they were in panic way back then. Nope, the tweets were part of the movie and even thought they childishly banned him from social media, it didn’t work. They still will never be able to stop what is coming. It’s a freight train on steroids and it’s headed right at them.
I agree with you 100% fren
The mean tweets usually had a higher purpose
Lol that's exactly the perfect translation for what they said
Well it's true in that they would have voted for a petrified turd instead of Trump. But they still can't admit NOT voting for Trump was the mistake.
That's the mistake
Oh, that’s how they’re going to spin his abject FAILURE: “nobody revered him, called him the Second Coming like the idiots did with Trump”??? So that makes it okay. Well, I heard quite a few people say Biden was the answer to all our prayers and he was going to fix everything. All that was needed was to get “Orangeman bad” out. Well, Biden has definitely fixed things, alright. How’s that working out for you? Who’s the idiots now?
The line is drawn. Sides have been chosen.
Most Dems and all progressives have sided with Satan, and it won’t end well for them.