The KID shot 3, killed 2, all criminals trying kill him in what was, effectually, a War zone. Read what PTSD actually is, not the watered down BULLSHIT snowflakes use it as an excuse for getting attention.
This is absolutely a qualified PTSD response to mental trauma a Kid should not have had to deal with.
Source: Me, a 24yr (retired) service member who was in every conflict we had from 1988 to 2012. I've been thru a lot, seen a lot, have PTSD and lost friends along the way to it. So get off your fuckin high-horse and STFU about things you don't know.
Thank you ..and I praise God you have been able to navigate in this world after what you have lived through over the years ..thank you for serving our great country and I’m sorry you lost brothers ..thank you for speaking truth , this young man is mentally and emotionally affected by the trauma he went through , I pray it does not break him down physically. You are 100 percent correct and have the the knowledge and experience to call it ..He is suffering from PTSD ..what a dumb ass comment we read ..”the tension” STFU is right
I've seen Men made of steel get broken by it and just end it. Some days, it's all I can do to stay on top of it, but the thing that brings me back every time is my Grand daughters. I dont want them growing up with their paw-paw going out like that.
It affects different people in different ways and I hold no animosity toward anyone who struggles with it....or have lost the battle.
Kids gonna have nightmares the rest of his life because of that night and his being able to cope is going to rely completely on his own willpower and those close to him to encourage healing instead of ridicule or meaningless anecdotes. Hope for him and his family that he makes it out ok.
...and BTW, thank you for understanding. People talking shit about it tends to piss me off immediately for all the reasons I've stated already.
Your comments tell me you know absolute shit about PTSD, what causes it, what triggers it, OR the daily crap those who REALLY have it have to go thru to keep their mind in check.
Done talking to some Dunning-Krueger keyboard commando...GTFOH poser.
No idea WTF you're talking about.
The KID shot 3, killed 2, all criminals trying kill him in what was, effectually, a War zone. Read what PTSD actually is, not the watered down BULLSHIT snowflakes use it as an excuse for getting attention.
This is absolutely a qualified PTSD response to mental trauma a Kid should not have had to deal with.
Source: Me, a 24yr (retired) service member who was in every conflict we had from 1988 to 2012. I've been thru a lot, seen a lot, have PTSD and lost friends along the way to it. So get off your fuckin high-horse and STFU about things you don't know.
Thank you ..and I praise God you have been able to navigate in this world after what you have lived through over the years ..thank you for serving our great country and I’m sorry you lost brothers ..thank you for speaking truth , this young man is mentally and emotionally affected by the trauma he went through , I pray it does not break him down physically. You are 100 percent correct and have the the knowledge and experience to call it ..He is suffering from PTSD ..what a dumb ass comment we read ..”the tension” STFU is right
I've seen Men made of steel get broken by it and just end it. Some days, it's all I can do to stay on top of it, but the thing that brings me back every time is my Grand daughters. I dont want them growing up with their paw-paw going out like that.
It affects different people in different ways and I hold no animosity toward anyone who struggles with it....or have lost the battle.
Kids gonna have nightmares the rest of his life because of that night and his being able to cope is going to rely completely on his own willpower and those close to him to encourage healing instead of ridicule or meaningless anecdotes. Hope for him and his family that he makes it out ok.
...and BTW, thank you for understanding. People talking shit about it tends to piss me off immediately for all the reasons I've stated already.
My father didn't end up so well--I was 6 years old--- WWII Suicide
Your comments tell me you know absolute shit about PTSD, what causes it, what triggers it, OR the daily crap those who REALLY have it have to go thru to keep their mind in check.
Done talking to some Dunning-Krueger keyboard commando...GTFOH poser.