Shares of Fake Meat Company Crash 19% as Public Rejects Bioengineered Slop
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Thought they were scared of cow farts. Wouldn’t they want more cows dead?
More people eating less meat would result in fewer cattle being born into and used in the factory farms that produce our meat. People who don't eat meat don't want more dead cows, cuz the cows wouldn't need to be born into the system to begin with.
We need to go back to the much smaller farms and leave the factory farming far behind.
Yes, agreed. It's just increasingly difficult for smaller farms to have enough profit margins to compete with the economy of scale that corporate farms bring to the table. One if my friend's family had to recently sell their dairy farm that had been in the family for something like 5 generations. It's another example of heartless corporations making a hostile takeover of an industry, and bleeding that industry dry with no regard to the consequences to others, be it environmental, financial, or exploiting workers and those within their sphere of influence.
I think it has a lot to do with education; in fact, everything is related to education or the lack thereof. Buying raw milk directly from farms (which I've done since about 1977) is a sure way to assure their success, IMHO. Like most everything, the average person is clueless about the value of raw milk and so many other things. Unfortunately, the push has been to destroy these local farms and the losers are the animals and then the people who go on to consume products that are vastly inferior. For all our access to information, the American people are ridiculously ignorant about our true history, our founding principles, how our government is supposed to work, their rightful duties and unalienable rights and the real power they should have. Most damaging has been the excavation of anything that pertains to God, our Creator. It's all tied together; that is not realized as well.